Quicken is Running Poorly

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Windows 10....
For the past 2 to 3 weeks I have experienced my Quicken Software acting weird. 1) it seems to take longer to switch between Registers....sometimes I even see the Screen go Black 2) Opening up an Investment Register...I've seen the screen FLASH before the Register opens. 3) Opening Saved Reports...Flashing screen before report Displays.
The common issue is screen going Black momentarily or Flashing. If I close and reopen Quicken "sometimes" this issues although present, flash less....
My concern is, is the Software beginning to become Unstable? Just seems to run glitchy...not smooth....
My data file is a file with Only 1/1/22 Transctions....I save a Year End File...and start using a New File every year 1/1/XXXX...so my data File is not multipile years.... I run validate quarterly....
Windows has a Tool you can use to check for Windows Install (sfc /scannow) and corruptive files and fixes them the majority of the time. Shame there is no such tool that can be used on the Installed copy of Quicken other than to Uninstall and re-Install.
For the past 2 to 3 weeks I have experienced my Quicken Software acting weird. 1) it seems to take longer to switch between Registers....sometimes I even see the Screen go Black 2) Opening up an Investment Register...I've seen the screen FLASH before the Register opens. 3) Opening Saved Reports...Flashing screen before report Displays.
The common issue is screen going Black momentarily or Flashing. If I close and reopen Quicken "sometimes" this issues although present, flash less....
My concern is, is the Software beginning to become Unstable? Just seems to run glitchy...not smooth....
My data file is a file with Only 1/1/22 Transctions....I save a Year End File...and start using a New File every year 1/1/XXXX...so my data File is not multipile years.... I run validate quarterly....
Windows has a Tool you can use to check for Windows Install (sfc /scannow) and corruptive files and fixes them the majority of the time. Shame there is no such tool that can be used on the Installed copy of Quicken other than to Uninstall and re-Install.
Ever since last update Quicken has run poorly. Errors when opening. Does not match payees, no longer ask to match payees to various prefixes in download. Pretty messy0
I am seeing the same kind of behavior as the original questioner (denmarfl). Quicken is completely up-to-date, Windows 10 is completely up-to-date.0
Hello everyone,
I am sorry to hear that you are being affected by these issues with slow performance and with screens flickering and going black. Thank you for alerting us to this here on the Quicken Community.Have you tried restarting your computer after this happens? You may additionally try uninstalling the Quicken software using the steps listed in this Support Article, then deleting Quicken from the Program Files (x86) folder. You may then reinstall the software after following those steps using the steps listed here. Note that this will not affect your data.
I look forward to hearing about how this works for you.
Thank you,
Quicken Jared
0 -
I have tried unistalling and reinstalling Quicken, it has not fixed the performance and at this point it won't even open my data file and Fidelity will not download - this is since mid-September. Why can't Quicken fix these issues for loyal users of over 20 years??? Ridiculous, I am going to look for a new financial/money management program. Done after 25 years0
What is the full path to the folder that contains your Quicken data file on the hard drive? Do you have Controlled Folder Access enabled in Windows Defender? Are you using OneDrive, Dropbox or Google Backup?
Quicken Subscription HBRP - Windows 100 -
I rebooted my computer and was able to open the file, but the operation is very glitchy - Fidelity partially downloaded but feature like accepting sold securities is not working. I use Dropbox but make sure I pause sync when operating in the Quicken file.0
I would suggest moving your Quicken data file to a folder on a local drive as a test. Do you have Controlled Folder Access enabled in Windows Defender?Quicken Subscription HBRP - Windows 100
Ever since the last update, Bank of America and Chase will not download. They will not recognize their passwords. I can do it manually but not through Quicken. When will this be resolved? I will have to find another accounting system if it is not resolved soon.0
Have you converted your BofA and Chase Accounts from DirectConnect to EWC+. Both BofA and Chase terminated Quicken DirectConnect in the 1st 2 weeks of October0
How do I check to see if controlled folder access is enabled in Windows Defender?0
I looked at this and don't see it enabled, I use Bitdefender Total Security. I moved my Quicken file to my computer under c drive documents - that didn't fix things, still crashing and cannot complete a validation on the file without it locking up and forcing me to end the program. What a mess0
I am seeing the same slow and glitchy behavior. This is a new problem within the past month or so. If I'm running a report, the two or three open Quicken windows go into a loop taking turns going black with no way out other than to kill the process. I've been a quicken user for decades. I may be done with it soon if they don't admit they have a problem and release a quick fix.1
> @denmarfl said:
> Windows 10....
> For the past 2 to 3 weeks I have experienced my Quicken Software acting weird. 1) it seems to take longer to switch between Registers....sometimes I even see the Screen go Black 2) Opening up an Investment Register...I've seen the screen FLASH before the Register opens. 3) Opening Saved Reports...Flashing screen before report Displays.
> The common issue is screen going Black momentarily or Flashing. If I close and reopen Quicken "sometimes" this issues although present, flash less....
> My concern is, is the Software beginning to become Unstable? Just seems to run glitchy...not smooth....
> My data file is a file with Only 1/1/22 Transactionss....I save a Year End File...and start using a New File every year 1/1/XXXX...so my data File is not multiple years.... I run validate quarterly....
> Windows has a Tool you can use to check for Windows Install (sfc /scannow) and corruptive files and fixes them the majority of the time. Shame there is no such tool that can be used on the Installed copy of Quicken other than to Uninstall and re-Install.
I'VE HAD THE EXACT SAME SYMPTOMS -- AND A FEW MORE -- OVER THE LEAST 4-5 WEEKS == though not as frequent early on, increasing gradually over a couple of weeks, and now far more frequent in the last 10 days. In fact, my situation may be worse -- my Quicken screens go catatonic, only flipping from one register or window to another, back and forth endlessly, until I am forced to close the app via Window's Task Manager, and then restart Quicken.
I had assumed my computer was to blame, but given others having the identical problem, I now realize this is widespread.
I am having to close, then restart Quicken to temporarily resolve the issue; over an hour of use, I now must do this 2, sometimes 3, times per hour, to get it back to stable. That doesn't always work, so I end up resetting twice back-to-back to get back to near-stable. I can see no pattern in what kicks off the glitchy behavior, though I'm sure there must be one (or more).
NOW FOR SOME OPINION/CONCERNS: Quicken's continuing series of problems with updating accounts -- one of which (PenFed) has dragged on for several months now, and which has no ETA, is a definite detractor from the Quicken user experience. Add that onto the glitching/black screen problem, and the platform is not delivering the reliable performance needed for crucial financial accounting software.
I hate to say it -- but Quicken is becoming extremely unreliable, to the point that it may be time to seek replacement software.
I'd guess the root cause of Quicken's problems these days is adding far too many features and trying to be always everything to everyone. It just isn't working well anymore, and I'd guess that very few, if any, software coders truly understand Quicken's architecture these days. Every coder is working in their own functional/feature stovepipe, and no one understands how it all works together. Thus, we have repeated instances of one feature change/improvement causing multiple unintended consequences elsewhere in Quicken.
I would be sad to move to a different financial accounting software -- I've been using Quicken as my primary for over 30+ years now. When you start disenchanting your loyalest customers, there is something wrong with your operation.
That's just my personal opinion, of course.
Jim1 -
I am seeing the same issues as mentioned by the OP. Software seems unstable and seems to hop back and forth between Quicken and other open programs in "flashes" at times. This has been going on since I downloaded the latest update a few weeks ago. I wish that I hadn't updated at that time... it was only on this latest update that I started having my Citi credit card charges become unable to sync with Quicken. As my family uses 2 Citi cards, and one is our primary for most things, this has created a lot of extra work for me. Very frustrating. I have been seeing the updates about Citi not syncing for awhile now, but it didn't affect me until I downloaded the latest update.0
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