Does Chase EWC+ actually work for anyone?

I have the same issue as Linwood. This connection method does not work! I have tried countless times. Please bring back Direct Connect !!!


  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    For what it is worth the chase downloading of transactions is working fine for me with the exception that the online balance seems to be wrong during the weekend and holidays where the pending transactions are included in online balance.

    As for bringing back direct connect only Chase can do that.  It is not up to quicken Inc. 
    This is my website:
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    DCQuickuser said:  This connection method does not work!
    works fine here and for lots of others - - what are you seeing during the One Step Update with your Chase accounts ?

  • Snorkle
    Snorkle Member ✭✭✭
    I switched a Chase business checking account from EWC to EWC+ and a personal checking and credit card account from Direct Connect to EWC+ without any issues on the Chase or Quicken side. I did not need to deactivate the old account, create new accounts, move or copy transactions, fix balances or any of the other gymnastics that have been reported. Other than the online balance issue that @Chris_QPW mentions EWC+ has been working well for me.
  • Ron S
    Ron S Member ✭✭✭✭
    I am using QDeluxe and Windows 11.  I constantly have trouble with Chase updating correctly.  Most times I have to resort to using the gear icon in the registry and even that does not work at times.
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Ron S said:   I constantly have trouble with Chase updating correctly. 
    need some more details - as others have mentioned.... since the EWC+ it does in fact work fine for lots of folks

  • jr7107
    jr7107 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭
    I have the same issue as Linwood. This connection method does not work! I have tried countless times. Please bring back Direct Connect !!!
    I also would like Direct Connect to be returned, or an alternative to opt out of data sharing.

    Please be reminded of the Quicken Terms of Use and Privacy statements. With this upgrade you also get to share your data more broadly amongst third parties.

    Read carefully and understand and ask questions. Know where your data is going.
    Quicken user since 1994.
    Quicken Forum/Community Contributor since 2005.
  • Ron S
    Ron S Member ✭✭✭✭
    I am using QDeluxe and Windows 11. As an example, this sometimes occurs when I schedule a bill to be paid via Chase bill pay.  The scheduled date showing as the current date and the delivery date the next day.  The transaction amount is immediately deducted from the account by Chase and the activity is shown as a pending transaction.  The transaction posts as a completed transaction overnight and the transaction shows as completed in the Chase register.  At times, when I do a one step update the completed transaction does not download to Quicken.  At times, it I will follow up by doing an update from the registry using the Gear/Update it will download.  Also at times, it does not.
  • freidaddy
    freidaddy Member ✭✭
    This is all a simple matter of basic accounting. Call it EWC or EWC+, it doesn't matter. If the bank authorizes an amount, it may be relevant to the bank, but it doesn't change the definition of "cleared transaction, within my checkbook, Quicken or manual! When I look into my bank, I see multiple balances (Available, present and cleared. The significance of each is important, but the definition of how the transaction should be processed doesn't change from how it has been for years!. Until it is completely processed, a transaction should never be closed and removed from the reconciliation. One simple example is a restaurant charge. If an amount is submitted for 'authorization', it is just that, a validation of the card and available balance at the bank to support the charge. BUT, until the final charge is submitted with, for example, the final tip amount, the transaction should not be treated in Quicken as closed!
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