What versions of Mac OS will Quicken support going forward?

Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
There was an announcement with the lates update to Quicken for Mac that indicated which Mac OS were no longer going to be suppoted by Quicken. How can I fund that announcement or which Mac OS versions will be supported by Quicken going forward?
- Operating Systems: Current (macOS Ventura) and previous two versions of macOS. For more information on macOS versions, click here.
- Display: 1280x800 or greater
- Internet Connection: Broadband
- Online access is required for activation
Quicken Subscription HBRP - Windows 100 -
What's stated on the Quicken website, as quoted by @Greg_the_Greek above, does not quite match real world reality. The current Quicken Mac 6.11 release will run on macOS High Sierra and above (any of the past 6 macOS releases), although a few select features require macOS Catalina or above. But in this 6.11 release, there is a notice for users of High Sierra and Mojave operating systems at installation time that this is the end of the line for them; future updates will require Catalina or higher.
The official policy is that Quicken Mac will support the current macOS and two prior versions of macOS. The reality is that the program will often work on one or two additional, older operating systems.Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19931
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