Schedule A Tax Report Doesn't Print Correctly Except for YTD (Q Mac)

PAdams Quicken Mac Subscription Member
edited 2023 13 in Reports (Mac)
I just tried to print off a Schedule A tax report for last year and it won't print correctly. It lists the Payee plus the date, then the payee plus the account then the payee plus the amount, generating MANY more pages than needed! However, if I leave the default date setting of YTD, it prints all the data as it is displayed - payee + account + date + amount, all on 1 line, as it should. It's not a problem of too much information on one line, either, since it works fine for the YTD time period only.


  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Are you seeing what you describe onscreen, or does it look okay onscreen but print wrong?

    I'm not seeing this. I see one line for the Payee, then one line for each transaction, which shows Date, Account, Payee and Amount. If there are two or more transactions for a Payee, a total line for that Payee follows. the only thing which seems wrong to me is that since the report is listed by Payee, there is no need to have a Payee column which repeats the Payee. 

    EDIT: Ah, I figured out what you're seeing! Your report is in portrait (vertical) format, right? Try changing to landscape (horizontal) format. That will put all the data per transaction on a single line. (If the developers removed the Payee column, then this would work okay in portrait format as well.)
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • zfatherhen
    zfatherhen Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    I have the same problem, even with YTD. And, I am using landscape. I have to not display the payee column and not select much else or it creates the same problem. The view is great, but the print is messed up.
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Well, I just noticed one problem I hadn't seen before: these new tax reports inexplicably omit the ability to scale the page to fit! In other reports using the modern reports engine, there is a check box in the Print dialog box allowing the user to scale the page to fit 1-page wide:

    For some reason, the developers omitted these Quicken-specific controls from the Schedule A and other new tax reports. They should fix this. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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