Discover Card - WebConnect Broken

The only way to get these from Discover is CSV format which you no longer support.
We need a utility to convert CSV to QIF - there is nothing acceptable available for this and asking people to manually enter transactions is totally unreasonable!
Discover dropped both Direct Connect and Web Connect back in November, that is why you can't import using a QFX file anymore.
You can use my utility, ImportQIF, to convert CSV to QIF, its free. What's more, you can convert to QFX, and it will work if you use a Financial Institution Id from a financial institution that still supports Web Connect.
You can get ImportQIF from here:
This is my website: -
Hmmm, I didn't realize that. So it's not a bug with Discover or Quicken? They just dropped transaction download alltogether in Quicken using the most common methods? If that's true that's all the incentive I need to discontinue using the cards.
In the meantime, thanks for the info on ImportQIF. I need to look into that.
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Nope, it isn't a bug, it was decision Disover made. I don't have a Discover card, but from what I know they do still support Express Web Connect, just not Direct Connect or Web Connect(QFX file).
This is my website: -
For what it's worth, I have Discover Card set up with Express Web Connect and have no trouble downloading transactions.
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Interesting, thanks for sharing that. Maybe it's because I also have Discover bank accounts. Though all 4 used to work. It shows connecting to Discover Bank so that may be a clue. Someone pointed that out in another thread.
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On using Discover bank accounts, others have reported that you have to change the financial institution from “Discover bank” to "Discover Card". But also note this was only for bank accounts, I think someone mentioned that loans or maybe an investment account doesn't work.
This is my website: -
How do you change the financial institution? I disconnected the cards, clicked setup, and it does not ask for an institution like it sometimes does, it just defaults to Discover Bank and prompts for username/password.
NEVERMIND, That tip helped me figure it out. I didn't realize the Financial Instituion field in the details dialog was alterable. I guess that happened when I did the Deactivate.
So I just erased Discover Bank from there. Then setup prompted me to ‘choose’ and I clicked on the Discover Card image and used the same credentials I use to access all 4 accounts on the web. It found both cards and all I had to do was link them to the existing accounts. Next it downloaded transactions for each. Looks like it's all good now.