I last reconciled on January 16. Went in to reconcile this month and all entries from then -gone

barbtegn2 Quicken Mac 2017 Member
I reconciled my checkbook on 1/16. When I went to reconcile this month's statement, all entries from early January on were gone. Do I need to update something. Using Quicken 2017, version 4.8.6


  • barbtegn2
    barbtegn2 Quicken Mac 2017 Member
  • MontanaKarl
    MontanaKarl Quicken Mac Subscription Member, SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited February 2023
    Hopefully someone might jump in and help you... but most of us are running the current version of QMac, 6.12.2.  You might edit the subject line of your first post to include "QMac 2017" since then you might get the attention of the handful of people who might be able to answer.

    Also - what version of macOS are you running?

    Quicken user since 1990, MacBook Pro M2 Max on Sequoia 15.3.1 (and Win 11 under Parallels Desktop)

  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @barbtegn2 To try to help you in the right direction, I have lots of questions based on your post…

    barbtegn2 said:
    When I went to reconcile this month's statement, all entries from early January on were gone. Do I need to update something.
    Are you saying the transactions are missing from the Reconcile window, or the transactions are missing from your account register?

    If the register…
    -- how far back are transactions missing?
    -- are you sure you don't have a filter set in the register. On the row of filters, does it show All Dates, Any Type, Any Status (and there's no green "Clear Status" button)?

    If you look in Accounts > Reconciliation History, does it show your January 16 reconciliation? (If not, it seems likely you've somehow opened an older version of your data file.)

    If it does show the January 16 reconciliation, what does it show if you click on that line and click the Re-Reconcile button? Does it show the missing transactions and that they have been deleted?

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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