Quick Pay VS. Old Intuit Paytrust Payments

Years ago, when Intuit owned Quicken, payment was sent through a system which used account numbers instead of login information. Payments arrived within two days, but there was never an issue. Quickpay is becoming more and more difficult to connect. Why not go back to a more reliable system? I know this probably would not happen, but wanted to throw that out there.


  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    @alfried3 The vendor Intuit used (Metavante) got out of the business; Quicken switched to a new system because it had to.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • alfried3
    alfried3 Member ✭✭
    Yeh, that was unfortunate. Just wish there were a better way. Thanks.
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