New Account Missing Its [Category]

Quicken for Windows R47.15
I had a mortgage account with PNC. During One Step Update, it notified that the update from PNC received an error. After a couple of days of this, I clicked the FixIt button and I thought it was going to deactivate/reactivate. When that step finished, the mortgage account edit account no longer had Online tab. I deleted the account. I setup the account again and set everything to same name, since I already had transactions. It created fine, everything looks good. Except I do not have a [category] pointing to that account. I assume its because I named everything the same. Does any body have ideas how to recover? If I need to delete the account again to get this straight, thats okay. Will I be able to link my existing transactions to the new [category]?
Best Answer
Linked loan accounts do not have an account register. So one cannot have a transfer category for it. Lenders of linked loans simply download the current account balance.
If you wish to have transfer transactions from your payment account to your loan account your loan needs to be a manual loan account. I believe you can accomplish this by going to Account List > Edit (for the mortgage account) > Online Services tab > Deactivate.
Once the loan has been deactivated you should be able to edit the mortgage and during this process Quicken should give you the option to create a recurring Loan Reminder with a split category for Principal, Interest and, if applicable, Taxes and Insurance. Then each month the Loan Reminder should be entered (either manually or automatically if you have it set up that way) before the mortgage payment is actually made. Quicken will then match the actual downloaded payment in the checking account to the Loan Reminder that was previously entered.
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Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
Linked loan accounts do not have an account register. So one cannot have a transfer category for it. Lenders of linked loans simply download the current account balance.
If you wish to have transfer transactions from your payment account to your loan account your loan needs to be a manual loan account. I believe you can accomplish this by going to Account List > Edit (for the mortgage account) > Online Services tab > Deactivate.
Once the loan has been deactivated you should be able to edit the mortgage and during this process Quicken should give you the option to create a recurring Loan Reminder with a split category for Principal, Interest and, if applicable, Taxes and Insurance. Then each month the Loan Reminder should be entered (either manually or automatically if you have it set up that way) before the mortgage payment is actually made. Quicken will then match the actual downloaded payment in the checking account to the Loan Reminder that was previously entered.
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Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home