Negative Cash Balance in the Portfolio

rosendavid Quicken Windows Subscription Unconfirmed, Member
edited 2023 11 in The Water Cooler

Under the Portfolio Screen (not in an account), I now have reference to Cash showing a negative balance. You can not click onto Cash and/or the negative balance. So, I can't see the basis for the negative balance. How do I remove Cash reference and its negative balance? The negative cash doesn't show up anywhere that I can find.


  • Jon
    Jon Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited 2023 09


  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    In the Portfolio view, you can click on Group by and pick Account to see where the cash resides.

    QWin Premier subscription
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