Where to find "Show Splits" Option

I'm using the Mac version and can't find where to even select the "Show Splits". I can't get it to show me all of the info I need to give to my accountant which is included in the splits……
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If you want to see split in any transaction, just double-click the transaction and it will open with the splits visible. Alternatively, you can select a transaction and select Show Splits from the Transactions menu. Or select a transaction and press Command-Option-S (for splits!)
If you are preparing reports to show your accountant, there are two different approaches you can use. If you do a Transactions by Category report for last year, you won't see splits specifically, because every split line is its own line in the report, grouped by categories. For most year-end accounting/tax work, this is the approach you will want.
If your accountant instead wants to see a list of all your transactions, with splits shown, then you want to print (on paper or PDF) a transaction register. Click on an account in the left sidebar and set the Date filter to last year. If the register is showing most recent transactions on top, click the Date heading so January transactions are at the top. Then select Print, and you'll get a report of all transactions in that account for the year. Each split will be listed on a separate line under its transaction. Repeat for other accounts if needed.
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