401k Employer Match on Paycheck does not allow categorizatoin

Lisamar Member ✭✭

I have a problem where my paychecks from April 2021 through September 2022 show uncategorized entries only for the employer match entry. I enter my employee contribtion transfer and tie it to my 401k account. This also shows no category on the paycheck entries but does not show up as uncategorized when I run a report. It's only the employer match entry (which is zero because the employer deposits once a month, not bi-weekly as my paychecks are paid). I enter the employer match as a deposit directly in the 401k account. Why won't quicken let me add a category to the employer match so it stops showing up as uncategorized transactions? Is this part of that paycheck bug that was introduced in one of Quicken's releases last year?????


  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    @Lisamar Are you using Quicken Windows? You posted in a Quicken Mac category. We can get a moderator to move your question to a Windows section of this forum, if you confirm that's what you're using. If you're using Quicken Mac, let us know and we can offer some suggestions.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Lisamar
    Lisamar Member ✭✭

    Yes, please move this post to Quicken for Windows. My mistake.

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