Cannot open/find Quicken files - QMac

beverlylindgren Quicken Mac Other Member

I had my old Mac quicken transactions running on a desktop 2011 Mac and my hard drive failed. I was using on/from my passport. Happened once b4 about 5 years ago and I just plugged in the my passport to the newer machine and all was well. I was able to connect my passport to the new MacBook Pro I bought………..but do see quicken backup files but cannot find my transaction data and/or program to use to run…… not even sure of correct terminology to use but trying to complete my 2022 taxes. HELP please.


  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    Let's try to clarify some of the terminology with some questions, so we're speaking the same language and on the same page here. 😀

    When you talk about your "passport," are you referring to an external hard drive made by Western Digital?

    You say you see Quicken backup files but not your transaction data. What are the dates on those backup files? Anything recent, or really old? If they are recent, then those files contain all your transaction data. Or let me ask another way: what are the filename extensions of the files you're seeing? Are the.QDFM? Or .quicken? Or .quickenbackup?

    The Quicken program itself was likely installed on your Mac's hard drive, rather than the external hard drive. So this brings up a few more questions. Most importantly: what version of Quicken were you running?

    Was it the current Quicken Mac subscription? If yes, there's an easy solution to re-download and install the program on the new Mac, and have it open one of those backup files.

    Was it a version from a few years back (Quicken 2015, 2016 or 2017)? If yes, you may have to purchase the current Quicken subscription, but it will be able to open your backup files.

    Or was it the very old Quicken 2007? That will be a much tougher problem t solve, because the Quicken 2007 progrma hasn't been sold for years and can be hard to find on the used market. But more importantly, if you just bought a new MacBook Pro, it will not run the old Quicken 2007 software even if you could find the program.

    Oh, and the other question I probably should have asked first: do you have any backups of your old Mac's hard drive? (Like Time Machine?) And when you bought the new MacBook Pro, were you able to get data transferred from the old Mac or not?

    Sorry for all the questions, but it's important to understand your exact circumstances to advice on paths forward.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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