Newmont Mining (NEM) stock won't download (edit)


When downloading stock transactions from my brokerage, why doesn't NEM download? I had to enter that one stock dividend transaction manually.


  • Tom Young
    Tom Young SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    What's the brokerage, and what's the downloading method used? With Schwab and using EWC+ missing transactions have been the norm.

  • Rick Brenner
    Rick Brenner Member ✭✭
    > @Tom Young said:
    > What's the brokerage, and what's the downloading method used? With Schwab and using EWC+ missing transactions have been the norm.

    TD Ameritrade. Download from Quicken Portfolio Upgrade button. It has worked almost flawlessly for years. But this once, NEM didn't download. Tried a few times. What is EWC+?
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2023

    TD Ameritrade. Download from Quicken Portfolio Upgrade button.

    On my Quicken Windows - this is the path I see…..
    … Menu —> Invest —> Portfolio —> Update pulldown menu —> then what ?

  • Tom Young
    Tom Young SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Rick Brenner

    There are various was that information gets collected at the Financial Institutions (FIs) and then sent down to the Quicken program. TDAmeritrade in the past has used the Direct Connect method, BY FAR the most reliable method. However, TDAmeritrade has been bought by Schwab and Schwab uses the EWC+ method, a method that at least at this point seems to be far less reliable. TDAmeritrade accounts are being transitioned to the EWC+ method. Bring up the Account Details screen of the TDAmeritrade Account in Quicken and click on the Online Services tab. That will tell you what method is being used.

  • Rick Brenner
    Rick Brenner Member ✭✭
    > @Tom Young said:
    > @Rick Brenner
    > There are various was that information gets collected at the Financial Institutions (FIs) and then sent down to the Quicken program. TDAmeritrade in the past has used the Direct Connect method, BY FAR the most reliable method. However, TDAmeritrade has been bought by Schwab and Schwab uses the EWC+ method, a method that at least at this point seems to be far less reliable. TDAmeritrade accounts are being transitioned to the EWC+ method. Bring up the Account Details screen of the TDAmeritrade Account in Quicken and click on the Online Services tab. That will tell you what method is being used.

    Thanks Tom. That will be a drag if the transition to Schwab causes download problems going forward :(
    Looking at my TDA account detail pages and the method, I'm seeing "Direct Connect". So maybe the one download problem for NEM was a one time issue and won't be a problem going forward.

    Are you saying that in the near future, I can expect this method to change to EWC+?

  • Tom Young
    Tom Young SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    "Are you saying that in the near future, I can expect this method to change to EWC+? "

    Yes. The transition is being rolled out, not being done all at once to all accounts. Look inside your OFX log to see it that dividend was included.

  • Rick Brenner
    Rick Brenner Member ✭✭
    > @Tom Young said:
    > "Are you saying that in the near future, I can expect this method to change to EWC+? "
    > Yes. The transition is being rolled out, not being done all at once to all accounts. Look inside your OFX log to see it that dividend was included.

    What is an OFX log?
    The dividend IS included in the TDA transactions. The money is there. It just didn't download. It downloaded 3 months ago for that stocks dividend. And I've never had this issue before in many years of downloading from TDA.
    A one time fluke maybe. I entered it manually.
    Here's hoping Schwab doesn't screw this up and become a mistake! I've been at TDA for decades and hate change!
  • Tom Young
    Tom Young SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    "What is an OFX log?"

    Help > Contact Quicken Support > Log Files > OFX Log

    Direct Connect uses the OFX protocol and the OFX log captures what has been set to Quicken by the Financial Institution. The OFX log can be difficult to read especially if the FI sending it has made no attempt to make it human friendly. But you should be able to at least find the TDAmeritrade download for the day the dividend should have been downloaded and work through that section of the OFX log. Keep an eye out for the name of the company and the dollar amount of the dividend, those should be there.

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