Transfer Quicken from MacBook Air to New MacBook Laptop

K.Moore Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

I've been using Quicken online for several years. I just recently upgraded to a newer laptop, how can I transfer my Quicken account from an older MacBook to a newer MacBook? Is there an "easy way?" Thank you.


  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    Very easy, in fact! 😀 (Well, I think, depending on something you wrote.)

    The one file you absolutely need is your current.quicken data file. You can either Save a Backup within the program on the old computer, or in the Finder do a File > Compress to wrap the .quicken file inside a .zip file. Either a .zip or a .quickenbackup file are safe to move from one Mac to the other. You can move the file via AirDrop, thumb drive, emailing to yourself, etc.

    The other thing you'll need is the Quicken application. You can copy the program from your old Applications folder to the new one, or on the new computer you can log in to your account on an download the Quicken Mac installer to install a new copy.

    This assumes you are using a current or recent verison of Quicken Mac — really any version since subscriptions began. If you have an older version, post back, because there may be differences in how you;ll approach the transfer.

    You also said you were using Quicken "online". Do you mean you were using the mobile app on another device, or web interface on your MacBook Air? Or were you using the Quicken applicastion on your MacBook Air? (The Quicken application is not online, which is why I'm asking for clarification.) If you haven't been using the application on your MacBook Air, first: why?, and second post back so we can discuss a different approach.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • K.Moore
    K.Moore Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    Thanks so much, Jacobs! I followed your directions and was able to AirDrop what I needed. I appreciate your help very much.

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