Can I update from Quicken 17 to the latest version without issues.

Quicken Mac 2017 Member
I want to update to the latest version of Quicken and am currently using Quicken 17. Will there be issues if I update?
If you are using Quicken Mac 2017, the update to the current subscription Quicken Mac is fast and easy.. There should not be any complications doing this upgrade. (Disclaimer: well, something can always go wrong doing anything… but this particular update should be smooth. 😉)
Once you purchase Quicken, download and install the Quicken Mac application. When you launch it, after signing in with your Quicken ID, you'll land on a "Let's Get Started" page. Click the button to "Start from a Quicken for Mac 2015, 2016 or 2017 file", select your .quicken2017 data file, and Qucken will update your database to the current format.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930
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