Pending Transactions when downloading from bank

Ragman8 Member ✭✭
Eric Dunn CEO of Quicken, in the April 2023 Update stated how Pending Transactions will begin to download in the Windows version in the near future ( "re-introduction of the ability to see pending transactions when downloading from banks") . I immediately sent off a message to him asking when this will be available in the Mac version. The response was "We appreciate you taking the time to contact us, we are continue improving Quicken and we will try to implement that feature on Quicken, please feel free to create a post on our Quicken Community and we will know how much you want that feature, and also we do not have a specific time when this feature comes true on Quicken." Unless I am misunderstanding the response, it means the more people that ask for it, the sooner it will be made available.


  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    Was that the actual response — one long run-on sentence which should have been four? Yikes. 😂

    In any case, that sounds like a generic stock response to any feature request.

    Because pending transactions are now being downloaded by some financial institutions, I have to think there will be a solution for Mac users fairly soon. And I'm happy to have the Quicken Winodws users "beta test" it before it's released for Quicken Mac!

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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