Custom Account Categories

asymptote Unconfirmed ✭✭✭
edited October 2023 in Display/UI

I dont like being locked into the high level categories like "Property & Dept" and "Debt" categories

You should be able to create your own categories/sections defined however you want.

3 votes

Reviewed · Last Updated


  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    This is not really a request about the current Beta, so it would be better posted in the Product Ideas section of the Community site. I'd note that there are two existing Idea posts regarding customization of the sidebar account groups:

    This one was originally marked "Planned" and then changed to "Not Planned", but the developers included a note which says "The team is working on possible custom grouping in the future".

    This one has not status update from the developers because it hasnb't yet garnered enough votes:

    I suggest you add your vote to both of these Ideas.

    I'd note that there are deeper ramifications/complexities to allowing custom account groups in the sidebar. Account Groups are also used in reports, such as Net Worth. Additionally, what is allowed in the Quicken Mac interface must also play acceptably with the Quicken Companion (mobile app and web interface) feature set, and those in turn must work with Quicken Windows, so allowing custom account groupings likely has to work across the entire Quicken ecosystem.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993