Fidelity NetBenefits - Downloading Wrong Price Since Most Recent Quicken Update

Just Me and Not Someone Else
Just Me and Not Someone Else Member ✭✭✭✭
edited June 2023 in Investing (Windows)

5/5/2023 - Since the most recent update a couple of days ago my two Fidelity NetBenefits accounts download the incorrect quote/price for all the mutual funds held in these accounts. The price for every one of the mutual funds being downloaded from Fidelity NetBenefits is downloading a price of $185.56 (see screenshot below). None of these mutual funds have a ticker symbol since they are proprietary funds and in the past they have only updated a price after the markets close.


  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    If you go the Edit > Preferences .> Investments, is the Real time quotes option checked? I think that may have an issue for securities with no ticker symbol.

    Out of curiosity, does the $185.56 correspond to the price of any of your other securities? Maybe the first one in your list alphabetically?

    Also you might try un-checking Download quotes in the for those securities. Quicken's quote provider does not have prices for securities with no ticker symbol, and that will prevent it from trying to download quotes for those securities. The quotes from Fidelity (if they are correct) should still work.

    QWin Premier subscription
    1. Real Time Quotes was turned on and had not been an issue for these securities before the last update from Quicken earlier this week. I have turned it off, but it will be Monday when the markets are open before I can see if this fixed the situation.
    2. The price being downloaded doesn't correspond with anything else in my portfolio; any holding in any other account.
    3. I had already unchecked download quotes for these securities before the post.

    Thank you for your suggestions. Hopefully 1) will fix the issue.

  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    OK, in theory at least, if Download quotes was un-checked then the bad quotes must have come from Fidelity and not from Quicken's quote provider. You could confirm this by going to Tools > Online Center and selecting Fidelity. Then pick your account and click on the Holdings tab.

    This should show the most recent holdings and prices as downloaded from Fidelity. Are they all $185.56, or are they the share prices shown on the Fidelity website?

    Another way to tell where the bad prices came from is by looking at the Price History for one of the securities. Go to Tools > Security list and click on the name of one of the bad securities to open it Security Detail view. Click on More the Edit Price History. Presumably you will see the incorrect prices. Do you also see High, Low, and Volume numbers along with the incorrect prices? If so, then the prices probably came from Quicken's quote provider. If the numbers are zero, then the prices came from elsewhere, probably Fidelity.

    Please let us know what you see.

    QWin Premier subscription
  • Disabling Real Time Quotes seems to have worked. NetBenefits didn't download the wrong quotes for mutual funds (which should only price at the end of the day) 30 minutes into the market open. I will continue to monitor the situation. Thanks for your suggestion on Friday.

  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Does it appear that Real time quotes downloaded bad prices even if Download Quotes was un-checked for these securities?

    That seems unlikely but it would be bad if so.

    QWin Premier subscription
  • Quicken was downloading bad prices when the quotes was un-checked until I unchecked the real time quotes. Unchecking the real time quotes stopped (so far) downloading bad quotes during the day for mutual funds that don't price until after market close. I will see this evening if NetBenefits uploads the correct day-end mutual fund prices.

  • Update: This evening the mutual funds priced correctly after the market closed. I believe the logical conclusion is that the Real Time Updates functionality was the cause of the problem. Not sure it was Quicken or Fidelity NetBenefits.

  • BlueAkiva
    BlueAkiva Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I'm having a unique issue with NetBenefits as well. Jim, are you up for another challenge?
  • BlueAkiva - If you have another unique issue or problem please create a new comment. Don't mix issues in the same thread.

  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    That would be a new discussion, not a new comment.

    QWin Premier subscription
This discussion has been closed.