Can't reconcile cc because info split into multiple accounts

Using Quicken Deluxe for Mac and online downloads direct from B of A. Bank of America splits my credit card bill into 3 different accounts; 1 for each user, 1 for fees etc. Statement lumps all togehter into 1 acount. Impossible to reconcile correctly. How do I merge 3 downloading accounts into 1 for reconciling?
I can't help with why B of A is sending information for three different accounts; hopefully someone else will. In the meantime, I can give you a workaround for merging the accounts for the time being…
Create an account not linked to B of A to function as your main account. Select one of the accounts, Select All, and drag the highlighted transactions to the main account in the left sidebar — but omit or delete any opening balance transaction if it exists. Repeat for the second and third accounts. So click account 1, select all, drag, click account 2, select all, drag, click account 3, select all, drag. Once you've done this a few times, it'll take just a few seconds. And now you have all the transactions in the one account, which you can reconcile.
Obviously, this isn't a great long-term solution, but hopefully it helps you get by until the underlying problem can be diagnosed and fixed. If no clear solutions are posted here, I suggest you call Quicken Support for help either solving this or getting it documented to forward to their connectivity provider.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19931 -
thanks much for the suggestion. When I called BofA about it, they said it was a Quicken problem.