How to stop a register from jumping to the first entry after Print Check?

drowell Quicken Windows Subscription Member

My checking register lands on the initial transaction, years old, after printing a check. This is a recent development. I see no purpose in it and it is annoying to have to scroll down through years of entries to get to current, regardless of how easy it may be to scroll. Is there an adjustment I can make or should this be corrected in a Build update?


  • splasher
    splasher Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I tried this in R49.33 and the register stayed where it was prior to the check print action.

    I did have a transaction on that screen selected before initiating the print action.

    -splasher using Q continuously since 1996
    - Subscription Quicken - Win11 and QW2013 - Win11
    -Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list

  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Is your register properly sorted by Date?

    Filtered register? Unexpected register sort order? "Missing" data? Unusual Running Balance?

    Did an unexpected mouse click mess up your register?
    Could it be that your account register in Quicken is
    - filtered to show only certain transaction types or
    - sorted in some unexpected way other than by Date or
    - limited to a certain Date Range or
    - perhaps only showing the results of a search instead of "all transactions" or
    - not scrolled all the way to the top or bottom of the register?

    Filtered register?

    Check the filter settings (on top of the register). Is the register filtered in any way to only show selected transactions? If so, click the Reset button to reset the filters.

    To show all transactions in the register, the Filter settings should be:

    "All Dates", "Any Type", "All Transactions".

    Date Range filter selection excludes the dates you're interested in?

    Check the Date Range filter to see if it prevents you from seeing the dates you're interested in. For example, a Date Range = "This Year" won't show you last year's transactions

    Only Search results shown?

    Is there any text in the Search box in the upper right-hand corner at the top of the account register?

    If there is text and a (red) X, click the X to reset the register from showing only search results back to normal mode.

    Unexpected Register sort order?

    Is the register sorted in any way other than by ascending Date? Look at the register's column header ... which column header is highlighted and/or has the little black triangle?

    About Register sort order:

    For best results, your account register should be sorted by Date in ascending order.

    Click a register column header to effect a different sort order by the clicked column. Click the same column header again to toggle between ascending and descending sort order. A small triangle next to the column header indicates the sort order: "▲" pointing up for ascending or "▼" pointing down for descending sort order.

    For more Register Sorting Options, click the Account Actions gear icon then click Sorting Options. Review and work with the available sorting options to see what they do.

    New transactions appear to go missing right after you save them?

    For example, you are entering a number of back-dated transactions and they appear to disappear ... they're most likely above the currently shown transactions page in the register and you have to scroll up to see them. To keep them on the screen, Sorting Option "By Order Entered" will help keep these transactions on the bottom of the register, next to the new transaction entry line. Just don't forget to re-sort the register by Date when you're done.

  • B-D
    B-D Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Thank you splasher and UKR. My R49.33/ Q opens to my checking account register displaying an empty currently dated entry field below the the most recent and any recorded future transactions. I use oldest transactions at the top and the newest at the bottom. The problem happens when I record the check in Write and Print Cheques and then select Print from there. When the print function is complete and I close the popup window I am left on the initial entry in 2017 for this account. The order of transaction is unchanged, and all are present (no filters). I have gone through the suggested review and find nothing amiss.

  • B-D
    B-D Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Apparently I am B-D and drowell. Both comments are mine.

  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for clarifying, @B-D
    Last time I printed checks a couple of days ago I didn't notice anything unusual after finishing with the Write Checks procedure. The register was positioned at the bottom, as it should be.

    Try pressing CTRL-N to jump to the new transaction line at the bottom of the register.
    If the first register transaction is highlighted, with the cursor blinking in the Date field, you can also press CTRL-End to jump to the bottom.

    In Edit / Preferences / Register is the option "Remember register filters after Quicken closes" enabled?
    If it isn't, enable it and see if, after a couple of Quicken sessions, the problem goes away.

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