Cannot see backup file after reinstalling QUicken 2017 due to PC failure

I reinstalled Quicken 2017 and it recognized the backup file but it flashes my data on the screen and then goes blank. All I see on the menu bar is FILE and HELP. Any ideas as to what is happening?
If you have access to and can copy the Quicken.ini file from your old PC hard drive or from a system backup of your old PC hard drive you might be able to get Quicken 2017 to run on your new PC. If you do not have access to that file, then you probably won't be able to get Quicken 2017 to run on your new computer and your only option to get Quicken running would be to order a Quicken Subscription.
There are actually quite a few threads about this over the past year regarding Quicken 2014-Quicken 2017 reinstalls and they all come to the same conclusion: Can't be successfully done without that previous Quicken.ini file. Here is one of those threads that you might want to read through to get more of the background, cause and options: Migrating Quicken 2017 from old to new computer - Quicken Data Access Guarantee — Quicken.
If you do decide to order Subscription you can order it from or from any number of retailers which often offer better pricing than does.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home