Mac Dashboard can't select accounts for graphs

MMichela Quicken Mac Subscription Member
edited July 2023 in Reports (Mac)

in the windows version you can select account used in income & Expense and Net worth. For me when looking at a monthly Income vs Expense I don't want to see investment accounts. wish there was a way to select accounts like in the windows version.



  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    The Home Dashboard is a new feature in Quicken Mac, and the developers are still working to add functionality to their first few releases. The Quicken Mac product manager has said that they will be adding some user controls regarding accounts for Dashboard cards in a future release. (This issue came up primarily when the Income & Expense card was introduced two releases ago, and many users wanted to exclude retirement income or all investing income in order to see their "operating" income versus their expenses.) We don't know what amount of settings controls they will be adding, or when it will be released, but we've been told that it's coming!

    Meanwhile, I suggest you go to this Idea post (feature request on this forum) and add your vote for customization for Dashboard cards. (In the yellow box under the top post, click the dark gray up arrow to add you vote.) More votes can help push ideas onto, or higher on, the developers' roadmap.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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