Online Reconciliation Is Off

I have been using online reconciliation for my savings account for years (decades?).
Recently, the reconciliation has started to be off by $92.00. I don't have any transactions for that amount on my bank statements, so there is no obvious errror.
I was thinking of going back to reconciling with the paper statements and just working through the statements I have, but Quicken does not recommend going back to paper once online reconciliation is used.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to find this error?
Almost certainly, (though not absolutely certainly*), some entry (or entries) with an "R" in the Clr column, an entry dated before the date of ""Recently" got changed, deleted, or added, changing the reconciled total. If you have a backup just before that "Recently" date you might want to look at that, comparing the register balance as of that date in that file to your current "live" file and see if it's off by $92.
Since Quicken has been known to change the Opening Balance of Accounts as part of the downloading process, that's probably the first place I'd look. If the Account has been open for decades then comparing the backup file's balances to the current file's balance, maybe stepping back a year at a time initially, probably would allow you to zero in on what changed faster than trying to do a bunch of reconciliations, hoping to get lucky.
*I suppose some systematic error in the downloaded online balance could be a play here too, but that's easy enough to check, and eliminate.