Add Items in Check # Column in Register on Mac

PaPa4 Member ✭✭

I'm using Quicken 7.1.1 on MacOS 13.4. I would love to be able to add names in the Check # column in the register. I've been able to do that in other Quicken programs and it is most helpful.

Thank you

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  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    You should use the Action column for the other text you want to add. The check number column is strictly for check numbers and commands for printing of paying checks.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • reneaust
    reneaust Member

    Most users make deposits into their checking account. Why must we completely type in the word deposit? It would be nice if the Check # field would prompt (suggest) previously used descriptors, e.g., Deposit, Zelle, etc.

  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    @reneaust Why not use the Action column if you want to have the word Deposit attached to your transactions?

    For what it's worth — which might be nothing! 🤣 — I don't use the Action column nor enter the word "Deposit" anywhere. I have several different Payees I use for my different types of deposits:
       Deposit (Direct)
    Deposit (EFT)
       Deposit (ATM)
       Deposit (Venmo)
       Deposit (Mobile)

    For a few of these, I have one for me and one for my wife, for direct deposit of paychecks, for instance. I use the memo field to record who/what a particular deposit was from.

    I also use the Payment and Deposit columns instead of the single Amount column, which makes it fast and easy to identify deposits versus expenses.

    So for me, entering terms such as Deposit, Zelle, etc. in the check number of Action column would just be unnecessary extra work. Back in the days of Quicken Mac 2007, I used to dutifully put "ATM" and other descriptions in the check column; after I switched to modern Quicken Mac, I realized entering that information wasn't helping me in any way, and simply using the separate deposit Payees made it easy to identify my deposits without extra data entry. My approach may or may not work for you, depending on the nature of your deposits, but it might be worth consideration whether to change your existing habits if you can get the same information doing it a simpler way.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993