I have an old 401K that shows a 0 balance in the register, but shows .03 in net worth report

I have an old 401K that shows a 0 balance in the register, but shows .03 in net worth report. This issue has been going on for a long time. This account is closed in the register. I am running Quicken for windows. I am a long time user 24 years so I have a lot of data. I am running Version R50.14. I have tried validate and repair. I just recently had an issue with another 401K, and changing the preference to precise took care of that issue, so I was looking at this account to see if that had corrected this one, but it did not. Searched again for any solutions, but did not find any.
Change the last SELL transaction(s) in the acct to "SELL ALL". You've got an itty-bitty fractional share left in some holding
Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP-1 -
Thanks for your response, I actually had tried that, forgot to mention it in my question. So I did some further sleuthing, used portfolio value and found the security that was the culprit. In the register it had a dividend as a sold transaction. Weird, during one of the updates it changed the transaction because for years the balance was 0, then all of a sudden it shows up as .03 as a balance. I was going to delete my question, but since you answered, wanted to give you the courtesy of a thank you.