Number of shares selected is more than available

I sold the entire position of an ETF. I have 644 shares in Quicken. In entering the sale in Quicken, Quicken states that the number of shares selected is more than available. It says I only have 643 shares even though Quicken shows I have 644 shares. It does not matter whether I select "sell all shares" or enter the number of shares myself. Same error message. If I go to Specify Lots, it says I have 644 shares.
There was a 1 for 3 stock split in December 2022. The fractional shares were automatically sold. Don't know if the split entry would cause this issue.
Using Quicken for Windows. Release R50.16 was installed when I opened Quicken today.
suggest validating and repairing your file. Be sure to back it up first
File>validate and repair
be sure to check both validate file and rebuild investing lots.
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Your situation appears to be the same as was just discussed here:
Perhaps this will help you solve the issue with fractional shares left hanging around after a stock split.
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Mark1104: Validating as you suggested did not fix the error.
UKR: Not seeing how the entry you shared fits this situation. I do not have any fractional shares.
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Well, you did have an odd stock split giving you fractional shares. Those were sold, but only to the number of decimal places specified by the brokerage. Quicken calculated and stored the fraction to more decimal places as shown, so there are still some slivers left.
Change the number of decimal places setting in Edit / Preferences / Reports Only to 6 or 8 and you should see something like 0.00066667 or -0.00033333 … and that's the fractions you need to get rid of.0 -
UKR: Thank you for the clarification. Unfortunately, changing the decimal places did not produce any odd fraction. I had 1,934.6 shares. The 1 for 3 split gave me 644.866667 shares. The 0.866667 shares were sold, leaving me with 644 shares. Quicken keeps saying I have only 643 shares. sigh ….
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Yes, and after my split Quicken showed 230 shares on most screens. But that wasn't correct.
Quicken has a bug where different screens show different values, unfortunately. My fractional shares in the post only showed up in one place. (This is similar to another bug I found where leftover pennies only show up in a report that can be generated from two different buttons—same report, two different results.)
Go to Investing » Dashboard. See if you have any leftover shares. I had negative 0.9 micro shares (900 nano shares) remaining after the sale, even when I used the "sell all shares/close this position" button. I added them back in manually to zero out the position.
It appears any split with a repeating infinite series (1/3 = 0.3333333333, etc) will cause a problem at that 6th decimal place.
The embeded post above has Quicken stepping int. Quicken states to use the the following method to report the error:
Help > Report a problem and submit a problem report with log files attached and (if you are willing) a sanitized copy of your data file in order to contribute to the investigation.
Share a screen shot of your Investing » Dashboard so we can see if you have nano-shares left.
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Aha!!! Never looked at the Investing Dashboard before. But you are right, there are those odd number of shares.
Thanks to all of you for helping me see what I couldn't / didn't see.
Soooo … I entered a sale for the 643.999993 shares. The investment is no longer in the Investing Dashboard view. BUT the sale line shows I still own 0.000007 shares.
This is also in the Investing Portfolio view with no basis or value.
I then entered a Remove Shares entry which zeroed out the shares. But the Investing Dashboard now has it as a negative.
If anyone has any other ideas, please share. Otherwise, I think I'm just going to ignore what shows on the Investing Dashboard.
Another thought … should I go back to the stock split and do a remove shares / add shares instead of using the Stock Split entry in Quicken?
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An update - Quicken accepted the downloaded transaction from the broker at 644 shares. I deleted the Remove Shares entry. The Investing Dashboard still shows a negative 0.000007 shares. Will ignore.
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You still have the same problem: Sold 644 shares
Quicken does the shares math incorrectly (the dollar amount is correct), and you have 0.000007 shares remaining that don't show up anywhere else except that one screen. Here's how to fix it:
For the same day you sold it, use the "Enter Transactions" button and select "Add Shares (Alt-Z)"
Add 0.000007 shares at no cost. You just want to add shares, not create a new issue with pennies being off. That's another problem that's harder to fix.
Your shares and your dollar amount are both now balanced. Likewise, if you have too many shares you can use "remove shares" to fix it.
Someday, if Quicken (a) fixes the issue and (b) there's a recalculation on your portfolio, you will notice you have an extra 0.000007 shares. You can then remove the manual correction.
I personally think Quicken should make this a top issue — when dealing with people's money, it's important they have confidence you can perform basic math correctly or else there's concern at "what else might be wrong."
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When I add shares, they clear the investment in the Investing Dashboard view, but show up on the Investing Portfolio view, which I use most often.
Maybe Quicken will fix this … some day.
Again, thanks for the guidance.
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Aw nuts — you're right! I was so busy looking at other screens I missed this one.
I had just finished updating my other post when I read your comment and noticed it.
…..going to take the adjustment back out again. **sigh**
The good news is someone from quicken did reply and we will hopefully see a fix in the next month or so.