This is not a desirable work around, but I did it anyway. If all you need is transactions download, Express Web Connect is acceptable. As I understand it, Direct Connect is required for transaction submittals, such as bill pay, which I don't do. Unfortunately for me, I de-activated my accounts earlier in this problem. When I tried to set up online services again with EWC, I kept getting the error message. So, I found that I could restore a file from late June predating the problem, and I was then able to reconnect with EWC. The downside is that I had two months of transactions from all institutions to deal with. But I'm stubborn and determined. I created a QIF file from my current data file with all transactions from 28Jun forward. Then I imported this QIF file into my 28Jun file. After a little effort, I'm back to normal, with EWC on my BECU and credit cards. I have no Idea why the earlier file would let set-up with EWC, and my current file would not.
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66 days and still counting. Would someone get these two organizations in the same room and just fix this? Or at least tell us if BECU's team is the "accounting department for a credit union profit" team or the actual IT team in house - or did they outsource it and lose control of the situation?
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This from me submitting a Suggestion on BECU Website: (same song and dance, but nothing as to when it will be fixed.)
Hi Jim,
Thank you for reaching out to BECU and inquiring about the Direct-Connect Service Temporarily availability.
In late June, BECU’s monitoring system began detecting suspicious attempts to access accounts through the OFX (Open Financial Exchange) direct-connect function. As soon as we learned of the issue, we made the decision to turn off the direct-connect function in Online Banking. At this time, we are taking steps to implement the necessary controls to safeguard member accounts and information. We recognize the impact to members who rely on this service, and we are working to restore this function in Online Banking as quickly as possible.
We apologize for any inconvenience this interruption may cause. There is a manual workaround, you can find that information here:
Thank you for being a member.
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"As quickly as possible." 😕 Detected in early June, still "taking steps" in mid-September?
Not a best-in-class IT function at BECU headquarters in Seattle, it seems.
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72 days without BECU fixing it. 72 days. "The direct-connect function for QuickBooks, Quicken, and Mint is temporarily unavailable in Online Banking. At this time, we don’t know when the connection will be restored. " I would submit that 72 days is not temporarily. Save that for an over the weekend issue. [Edited - Readability]