Quicken Redo Option

Jtconnorii Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭

I agree that WHEN you make even a small mistake on entering data like date, vendor name I have found No easy way to fix it. That is why I call Quicken a unforegiving system. I have looked at other companies who say they have it but I don't like their format and I have been a quicken user over 20 years.

I talked to customer service today and said PLEASE add a redo button so if you made a mistake you push it and it goes back to the last transaction just like you have on windows products.

Now you have to sometime do deep dive research to even find the data error. For instance if I entered the year wrong and do not even know what year it was all I can do is search under the vendor name and just hope I can find it and correct it.

Customer service says they do not have a redo button but will pass my comment along. Anyone else found an easier solution or agree a redo button would be a very nice suggestion as I enter most of my data vs just download it from the bank.

Best Answer

  • mshiggins
    mshiggins Quicken Windows 2017 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    While waiting for Quicken to implement an undo feature, I recommend you start a good backup process, if you haven’t already done so. Create back ups daily and you can refer to a back up to cross check data with your current file.

    Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
    Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list


  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    It sounds like what you are asking for would normally be called an Undo option. Due to Quicken's legacy software base, this may be difficult or impossible to implement, but see this Idea post

    To protect against entering transactions for the wrong year, you can go to Edit > Preferences > Notify and check the "When entering out of date transactions" box.

    QWin Premier subscription
  • Jon
    Jon Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited July 2023

    Don't you mean "undo", not "redo"? Quicken Mac does have an Undo command on the Edit menu. I tried it out using the scenario you described & it worked as expected - I changed the date on a transaction & then selected "Undo Edit Transaction" and it changed it back. I also tried entering a new transaction with an incorrect date & Undo removed the transaction, after which you could enter it again with the correct date.

    Quicken Mac also has a "Redo" command but it only appears after selecting Undo - you can select Redo to undo the undo.

    Nevermind, I see you were talking about Quicken Windows, not Mac. I'll ask a moderator to move this thread.

  • Snowman
    Snowman Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2023

    @Jtconnorii First check under Edit > Preferences and in the left column highlight "Setup". Check in the right column that "Windows Standard - Undo/Cut/Copy/Paste is selected. Control Z will work BUT if you "save" the record by pressing a key to move to another record the Ctrl-Z will no longer work. I tried this in all fields and it works.

    Now in the right As far as dates go there should be a date picker (calendar icon) for any new transaction that defaults to the current date but you can easily pick any date from there. What version of Quicken do you have? As always make a backup of the database file before you do any wholesale changes like the following:

    If you have made a mistake in a vendor / payee name the Search Transactions box in the upper right of a register can be used to search for a name. For example if you find you have entered Whole Foods as Whole foods and/or WholeFoods you can type Whole in the search bar and it will bring up all of the transactions (across all accounts) that have Whole in the vendor / payee field in a Search Results windows. You can easily sort by the payee name then select all of the transactions that have Whole Foods, WholeFoods, Whole foods. Select all of them in the Select column click Edit transactions and a Find and Replace Window is shown. Pick the field you want to change (Payee) type the payee name you want ALL of the selected items to be and click Replace All.

    Hope this answers your question. If it is just a matter of one or two transactions I just edit them individually. If there are many transactions then I do what I outlined above. Below is a screen shot of the search box where I typed Whole into the search box.

  • Jtconnorii
    Jtconnorii Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭

    I have quicken deluxe version. Sounds like the redo or last button is only on the Mac version which is strange.

  • Jtconnorii
    Jtconnorii Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭

    Thanks for the insight. I use a PC but don't see the redo or undo button like the Mac version has.

  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Mac Quicken has similar features to the PC version but it is based on a completely different, more modern platform.

    QWin Premier subscription
  • mshiggins
    mshiggins Quicken Windows 2017 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    While waiting for Quicken to implement an undo feature, I recommend you start a good backup process, if you haven’t already done so. Create back ups daily and you can refer to a back up to cross check data with your current file.

    Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
    Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list

  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Quicken for Windows users:
    If you make a mistake while entering or editing a transaction and you haven't saved the transaction yet:
    the "Esc"(Escape) key on your keyboard may be your friend … try it.

  • volvogirl
    volvogirl Quicken Windows Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Whoa. Let's backup. There may be a good fast way to find a transaction. If this was a recent transaction you entered and the transaction got sorted in a different place so you can't find it (like if you entered the wrong year on it) then you can sort the register by Order Entered. Click on "Account Actions", select "Sorting Options", select "by order entered"

    I'm staying on Quicken 2013 Premier for Windows.

This discussion has been closed.