Trying to Change the Action of a downloaded investment transaction to MiscExp (edit)

I have multiple accounts that download from TD Ameritrade - Some, download correctly as far as the Transaction Type and Category.
Others, download with a wrong Transaction type…. and my problem is that Quicken does not let me edit, update and save the correct Transaction Type. I can open the Edit window, make the changes and click Enter/Done. But the changes made, don't stick.
Downloading Six Accounts —
Two accounts download the Transaction Type correctly: MiscExp
Four accounts download the Transaction type as "Withdraw".
When I go into each Withdraw transaction, Edit, I can change to MiscExp, then click Enter/Done… but the change does not hold!
This problem has existed for quite a while.
Screenshot (pdf) attached showing my attempt to Edit the Transaction Type.
Quicken Premier for Windows,
Version: R50.16
Windows 11, Home
Well, that was odd…
It a test file I created a Withdrawal in a brokerage Account and saved it. Then I edited the transaction, selected "Miscellaneous Expense" as the action, and clicked on "Enter/Done." And the transaction remained as a Withdraw in the Transaction List!
Apparently the inability to edit a Withdraw action to a MiscExp is somehow baked in to the program.
Version R50.14
Windows 11, HomeOf course the accounting ends up correct in either case so it's not something really "wrong" in that sense, but I don't know why you can't edit the transaction from Withdraw to MiscExp. Is there some logical "split" of the Accounts - after tax vs. deferred, maybe - that goes with the 4/2 split in Actions?
0 -
Ok, you proved that I'm not crazy (I knew that)…. So I agree, the issue is minor, and both Types are reasonablely ok.
So is this to be considered reported enough that Quicken knows of the issue, or are we (me, am I the only one?) left to self-resolve?
And I really am a bit more confused — As mentioned, I have Six accounts that all download at the same time. One or Two, download correctly as MiscExp.
One or Two download as Withdraw…. BUT, Quicken allows me to edit in the method I showed.
The remaining THREE accounts WILL NOT update no matter how I try to edit? 1 account - taxable; 2 accounts non-taxable.
Kirk0 -
I pointed to this question over in the SuperUser's lounge and was informed that this particular issue has been around for a long time, though I don't think I ever stumbled over it personally.
One suggestion regarding the issue of some Withdraws being editable and other not was:
"Perhaps exporting a “good” transaction and a “bad” transaction to a QIF file might yield some clues about what is different between the two?"
I'm guessing you'd have to export all the Withdraws first, then work through the Withdraws to see which were editable and which aren't editable, then look at the exported Withdraws to see if you can spot any differences.