Last Updated in Dashboard wrong or something different?

Is the Last Updated field displayed at the upper right of the Home-Dashboard a different update from the Last downlaod field that is shown on individual accounts? If yes what is the difference as they don't seem to match.
Wouldn't an overall download update of accounts also update any data used in the dashboard or is that a separate process that needs to be done at the same time as an download for accounts?
Screen shots attached
I never use the "Dashboard" or, really, most any of the information that's presentable in the Home tab as too frequently it's simply unreliable. I use the Accounts, which I update daily, and Reports available from the drop-down Reports menu.
But, to your question, I suppose one answer might be that the Dashboard is reporting when it (the Dashboard) was last UPDATED, as in tweaked by the programmers, while the Account is telling you when it (the Account) received its last DOWNLOAD, two different things, maybe?
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Thanks Tom
I also update my accounts daily but I also do use the dashboard daily. Albeit it is missing some key functionally/widgets, e.g. current budget status it is a nice concise summary of some of the reports I was running frequently and no longer need to.
It would be odd I think if the date was related to software updates that's what releases are meant to document. Plus for most users a software update to one component is of little interest.
Also I did forget to mention that when I click on the dashboard update it simply opens the accounts to update window. So seems somewhat redundant and to me would really only have meaning and value if it was the last account update date.
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I see what you mean about clicking on the Update now link on the dashboard. I clicked on that link, immediately got the One Step Update summary telling me that all my Accounts were updated to the date and time that I clicked on that link, which is impossible as a typical OSUs takes several minutes these days, and all Accounts in the file reported the last download occurred at that same date and time.
Typical Quicken programming funkiness as far as I can see and I'm not going to worry about it.