Asset Allocation Report for the Mac

David Walsh
David Walsh Member ✭✭
edited September 2023 in Investing (Mac)

When will the Mac version of Quicken have parity with the Windows version? For example, why is there no asset allocation report on the Mac?



  • Jon
    Jon SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    There's no printable report, but you can see your asset allocation on the Portfolio screen. Select the Investing account group & change the middle pulldown to "By Asset Class":

    Then there's a "% of Total" column showing the % invested in each type of asset:

  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    To add to what @Jon wrote, there's a fair amount of flexibility in the asset allocation Portfolio views.

    You can click on a single account in the left sidebar, a sub-account group like Brokerage (non-retirement) or Retirement, or Investing (all accounts) to see your allocation in one of more accounts. And you can get even more fine-grained than that, selecting specific accounts using the third filter on the Portfolio screen, even though it may not be intuitive.

    I'll give an example: I have retirement and non-retirement accounts at Vanguard, and when I review my quarterly statement versus my Quicken, I want to see that the total for all my Quicken Vanguard accounts matches the total on my Vanguard statement. So I start by clicking Investing in the left sidebar. Then I pull down the first filter to select Portfolio Value and the second filter to show By Account, and then the third filter (All Investing Accounts) to select the first of my Vanguard accounts in the dropdown list. The filter now shows the name of that account. Then I click on the filter and pull down the menu again, and select the second of my Vanguard accounts. The filter now shows "2 Accounts". Repeat as needed to select all the accounts you want. Change the second filter from By Account to By Asset Class to see the asset allocation for the selected account(s).

    And… you can print the Asset Allocation view as a report! After setting the Portfolio screen as described (and illustrated by @Jon above) for the accounts you want, click the ••• icon in the upper right and select Print > Print… For better or worse, the printed report shows your asset classes and then the detail of the individual securities comprising each class; there's no way I know to get a summary report like the on-screen Portfolio view with only the assert class values and not the detail. Note that in the Print dialog box, you can choose to Save As PDF or open in Preview if you don't want to print it. If you only want the summary report of asset class breakdown, without the holdings detail, you can press the same ••• icon and select Export > Export to CSV, open the .csv file in any spreadsheet and delete all the detail holding rows to just leaves the rows of asset classes.

    Hopefully at some point in the future the developers will deliver save-able investment reports so we don't have to set this up each time — but in the meantime, I think we have the tools to examine holdings by asset class flexibly enough to not feel there's much of a shortcoming.

    And I should also note that for a quick look at your overall Asset Allocation, you can click on an account or account group in the left sidebar, and click on the Dashboard tab, where one of the cards displays Asset Allocation for the selected account or accounts. You can click on any of the asset classes here to have the card display the securities which comprise that asset class. You can't print from here (other than taking a screenshot and printing that), but it's a good way to look at asset allocation without any of the set-up in the Portfolio view.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • David Walsh
    David Walsh Member ✭✭

    Thanks for the replies. These are helpful.

  • Chris Mead
    Chris Mead Member ✭✭✭
    edited August 2023


    I'm going to continue on this thread I also want to use Quicken for asset allocation. The investing dashboard shows at the lower right the allocation. In fact, we can drill in to see the securities. THE PROBLEM IS that the asset classes assigned are wrong I can't find where to fix this. I looked at the account setup screen and did not find it. Anyplace else?

  • Jon
    Jon SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited August 2023

    @Chris Mead If you open the Securities window you can double click on a security to edit it. On the edit window there's a checkbox for "Use downloaded asset class information for this security". Uncheck that and you can change the security to a different asset class. You can even select "Mixture" and assign your own percentages to different asset classes. I don't think you can make up your own asset classes, though, you have to work with the ones that are built in.

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