QuickFill not working

dstarnik@ Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭

I have several regular deposits, but QuickFill does not automatically populate the fields. I check "Save QuickFill rule for this payee with" "all fields", but it never works.


  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    Are your deposit transactions downloaded from your bank or entered manually? Assuming the former: is the Payee name identical in each occurrence? For instance, is it "Paycheck Deposit" or "Paycheck Deposit 20230802.xyzabc"? If it's the latter, you need a Renaming Rule to normalize the Payee name to the base name (e.g. "Paycheck Deposit"), and then a QuickFill Rule for that Payee.

    If that doesn't seem to be the issue, can you post a couple screenshots to possibly help us point you in the right direction? Click on one of the deposit transactions, and select View > Show Inspector. Post a screenshot of the Inspector Window. Then go to Window > Payees & Rules > QuickFill Rules, find the Payee in question, open it, and post a screenshot of the QuickFill Rule window for that Payee.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • dstarnik@
    dstarnik@ Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭

    I did the renaming

  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    Okay, so I'm not sure where you stand. The screenshots show a downloaded transaction where the Payee has been renamed to OP&F Pension Fund, and a QuickFill Rule for OP&F Pension Fund. Do you have a Renaming Rule which renamed the Payee, or did you change the Payee name manually in your register?

    A Renaming Rule would look something like this:

    Your ability to create a Renaming Rule depends on something I can't determine from your screenshot: what exactly comes after "DEPOSIT ACH OP" in the downloaded name? If it's "OPF" or "OP&F" and there is a space or other delimiter after that before all the numbers, then you can create a Renaming Rule like I've showed above. But if it's all mashed together, like "DEPOSIT ACH OPF123456789" then you can't create a Renaming Rule of "DEPOSIT ACH OPF" — there needs to be a space, period, hyphen, or other punctuation as a separator so you can specify the unique token in the Renaming Rule. Alternatively, if every download from this financial institution always has the same string of numbers (which I doubt), you can use the entire string as the token in the Renaming Rule. But if on transaction is like

        DEPOSIT ACH OPF123456789

    and the next is

        DEPOSIT ACH OPF987654321

    then you could only create a Renaming Rule for "DEPOSIT ACH", and that might apply to other deposits from other financial institutions which you do not want Ranamed to OP&F Pension Fund.

    Does that make sense? Your ability to automate/control this depends on exactly what's in the downloaded Payee name, and I can't tell that from the screen shots you've provided here.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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