Investment portfolio

all my investments, when displaying portfolio view, the graph displays 33,000,000,000, on july 1st 2019, all accounts have a ridiculous amount around that time.
went through all securities to see if i made a entry error. cant find anything, the total amount under investments, amount of shares, total dollar amount is correct(i belief)
anyone experienced the same?
I haven't had this problem.
I would continue to try to narrow down the source of the problem. It shows up when you view all investments; what about when you view just Brokerage or just Retirement Whichever of these sub-groups tells you which accounts you need to examine. Try them one at a time, looking for the one which has the massive price spike on that date. Once you find the account causing the spike, then look at the Portfolio by Security on that date to identify which security is the culprit. Check the price history and transactions for that security. The problem has to be in there somewhere, either transactions or price history.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
all 4 accounts have the spike, narrowed it to two dates, but i do not see any transaction or price changes on these dates
thanks for the feedback
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Are you saying that if you look at the Portfolio for one of these accounts with an As Of date of Day X, Day X+1, and Day X+2, the first day is correct, As Of the X+1 day the market value shoots way up, and As of the X+2 day, the Market Value drops back down to normal?
Within that account, you have one or more securities. What does the Portfolio by Security view show you about the value of your securities on those three days? Is it just one security that jumps in value on Day X+1? And if you look at the Price History for that security are you saying there is not change in price or no entry for the Day X+1, and there are no transactions of Day X+1?
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
looks like that , the amount low end is 55000, then it spikes to 33,600,08600, all accounts have a spike like that but not the same amount. all accounts are around 50-200 k. all the numbers, shares, market value are ok, only on all the graphs it shows that
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So you see that spike on every investing account? I know I'm repeating myself, but I don't believe that spike would be there it here wasn't some day around July 1 2019 where there is either a bogus security price or a problematic transaction which self-corrects. The graph is simply showing the underlying data, so there has to be a mistake in the data. It could be something like a stock split where the transaction took place one day but the historical pricing was adjusted on a different day. Is there any security you have in all 4 accounts which might point you in the right direction?
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
stock split , that can be, i will check that now, i have security's in all accounts but not all had splits.
i will get back to you on that
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checked the portfolio, took screen shot, deleted the stock split, made no difference.
so back to square1
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Some securities have been having problems recently with historical prices getting set to incorrect values, I've had to go back several times & make fixes for VSMGX. I'd take a look at what securities you owned around that time period & then look at the prices for those securities & see if there are any obviously incorrect values.
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thank you, yes I did that already too, no extreme value changes on any stocks or MF
i went so far and loaded a old version of quicken back in 2020, that i know was fine is now also showing discrepancies.
i be lief its a quicken issue. i have not noticed this before july's upgrade of quicken.
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Hmmm, something in what you're saying just isn't adding up (no pun intended) for me…
Let's go back to that screen shot of the spike you posted above. Was this for your overall Investing portfolio, or for one specific account? If the former, click on one account in the left sidebar — your investing account which has the fewest number of securities held — and view the Portfolio graph. From what you've described, the spike in mid-2019 is still there, right?
Now, hover over the graph where it spikes, and Quicken will draw a line, show the value, and show the date. Here's a screenshot of a single account in my test file:
What date is associated with the big spike? In my case above, July 4 is the closest I can come to July 1. (I believe Quicken pares back daily security prices to weekly or monthly over time.)
On the date it shows the spike, enter that as the Data As Of date:
Does the total of the Portfolio table match the value in the Portfolio graph on that date, like this:
If the total here matches the graph, then the market value of one of the securities must be astronomically high to get to that total. Is it? If so, is it the Shares amount or the Price which shows a crazy-high value?
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
there are four accounts, all show different spikes on different dates, the total does NOT match the spike, i checked the share prices on the those dates, noting out of the ordinary. the graph is different from the
dollar value shows a s 65,000,000,
this is the transaction register
these do not match
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The transaction register never shows account value; it only shows any cash balance. What I was talking about was the Portfolio page market value total on the exact date of the spike in the graph.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
i justy noticed the following,
three pictures below 5 year and 10 year, both have the totals the same
the spike on the 5 year as you see is 85,000, the 10 year graph, if i hover over it, shows 33,000,000,000, the total on both graphs says 124,667.
this make sense? not sure i understand. hope i dont bore you with this
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The 5 year and 10 year charts use different dates. The 5 year chart is showing the values at the end of each week (Friday); the 10 year chart shows the values on the first of each month.
When you hover over the 33 billion spike on the 10 year graph, make a note of the date then change the portfolio view date to that exact date and look at the individual security values on that date.
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As for Quicken discarding or paring down security prices over time, that hasn't been my experience. I've found that for securities I have owned I still have daily prices for the entire period I owned them, going back as far as 20 years. I believe if Quicken downloads historical security prices after the fact (for example, if you use the "Rebuild history" option or add a new security to the list) then it's different. I just tried adding GOOG to my securities list and I got daily prices for the last month, end of the week prices for the prior 11 months, and then end of the month prices before that going back 5 years.
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the way you described it, i found the problem. managed to adjust the price, looks like i will be able to fix it
thank you very much