Category Income/Expense

F3KMom Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
edited September 2023 in Reports (Mac)

I have several categories set up as IOU's - so I don't use them in my general budget tracking. When I create a report, for one of them, it splits the category income and expense. For the others, it puts the deposits (income) right in with the expenses. Is there a setting somewhere to make them all the same (preferably the second scenario).


  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited August 2023

    What report are you using? If it's the old Category Summary report, this is a known flaw in that report: if the category total for the time period is positive, it's Money In, and if the category total for the period is negative, it's Money Out — irrespective of whether the category is defined as income or expense. So if you have a reimbursement in an expense category which is larger than your expenses in that category for the time period of the report, it gets flipped based on the credit balance. 

    If you use any of the regular modern reports, like Category Summary by Month or Transactions by Category, this won't happen; expenses will always be in the expense section of the report, even if the expense is positive from a credit/reimbursement. Just make sure the categories you are using for this purpose are all defined the same, either as income or expenses.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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