How Much Data is Transferred During a One Step Update with Financial Institutions...???

Yes, I know it depends on how long since the last one, how many transactions, etc. I'm just wondering if this is reported anywhere in MB or, if not, if someone has measured it or approximated it somehow. It's basic data not streaming, so I'd think it wouldn't be too many MB. Please indicate if the one step update included an update to the Quicken program in which case I'll subtract that out.
Best Answer
Thanks Chris,
Makes sense, no vid, no images, just numbers and names of accounts. Let's leave it open for a few days and see if anyone else chimes in.
If all you are doing is downloading transactions, the size would be in KB not MB.
This is my website: -
Thanks Chris,
Makes sense, no vid, no images, just numbers and names of accounts. Let's leave it open for a few days and see if anyone else chimes in.