Download errors -

doodle Quicken Windows Subscription Member

I have had Quicken for over 20 years but earlier this year I did not renew my subscription due to the fact that Quicken could not download my bank account information without grave errors. Consequently, I had to spend hours on the phone with your tech support team trying to do everything manually. Then the first time I tried to connect to my bank and download all the transactions the errors occurred again. Some entries that should have been deposits ended up in payments and vice versa. I do not have time for hours to correct. I would love to have Q again, but will not unless I can be guaranteed that that mess has been corrected. Will you please advise? Thanks you, Jack


  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    No one can give you such a guarantee.

    This is my website:
  • doodle
    doodle Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I think what you are saying, Chris, is that I should not renew my subscription as Q has not solved the problem.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    What I'm saying is that it is totally unknown, and therefore you have to take the risk like everyone else.

    When talking about download problems, there are so many different causes that one has to know that exact details of a given problem and work from there. There is almost never going to be magic "solution", where some release of Quicken fixes such a problem. When it does occur it usually involves a large portion of the customers, not just one individual. Put a different way, Quicken is only part of a much bigger process for downloading transactions, like the Quicken Cloud, Intuit, the financial institution, …, so in truth it is seldom Quicken (the program) that has to change, but something else where we have very little visibility to.

    This is my website:
  • doodle
    doodle Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    edited August 2023

    Thank you. After your treatise, I believe my best solution is not to waste my money on Quicken anymore. I'll continue to do my banking the old fashion way with pencil and paper. I also discovered a few months ago that I can basically do the same thing through my online banking where I can asssign transactions to catagories now. Appreciate you input. [Removed - Disruptive]


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