USAA Reconcile errors every time

Everytime I download my transactions and reconcile the accoutns I have an error and it does a balance update. Sometimes it puts in a payment and the next time it will be a deposit.
It appears that you are reconciling to the online balance, not a paper statement, and the online balance associated with the download is wrong. Is the Account or Accounts in question using Express Web Connect or Express Web Connect+?
If the online balance that's downloaded is wrong - let's say that the online balance for whatever reason is "yesterday's" balance, omitting "today's" transactions, then Quicken will propose an adjustment. The next day, assuming you've not made any additional transactions from the day before, if the online balance is now "up to date" (correct) Quicken will propose an adjustment in the opposite direction. In other words you're encountering more or less a perpetual timing difference between what that online balance should be vs. what Quicken is showing.
You should be able to see if the online balance being presented by Quicken is wrong by comparing it immediately after the download to the financial institution's current balance at their web site.
Others have reported this same problem and one obvious way to avoid it is to go back to reconciling paper statements.