linking Etrade accounts

Etrade just completed their transition to the Morgan Stanley numbering system. I am trying to link my accounts for automated transaction downloading. However, when I get to the point where I choose which account to link it does not include all of my investing accounts.
"I am trying to link my accounts for automated transaction downloading. However, when I get to the point where I choose which account to link it does not include all of my investing accounts."
I assume that you're referring to the list of Quicken Accounts that comes up when you select the "Link" option. Any chance that the correct Quicken Account is already listed there, to the left of the Add/Link/Ignore drop down? I've seen that happen.
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Before I do anything thought I would ask. Do you Deactivate Online Services and start over as if new? Or should I change account numbers to the new MS ones from old ETRADE.
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I keep getting an etrade error. I was going to wait a few days to try to do it. If anyone can get it to successfully work, please share.
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Tom Young, No. The Name in Quicken field has the new account number in it.
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craig, I just hit the account circle arrow in the upper right. I was prompted to choose an institution and Quicken Etrade was preselected. I put in my username and password and all of the new account numbers popped up from the Etrade Brokerage side under the "We found the following accounts" panel. My Etrade premium savings did not pop up and a longstanding Morgan Stanley account did not pop up.
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When I go to the drop down and Account details it still has my old ETRADE acct number listed. I have tried to download but get error. I have 5 accts affected 2 trad, 2 roth and a brokerage. (wife and myself) I wonder if i manually put in new 9 digit acct in each of these it will recognize. Thanks!
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Why doesnt ETRADE in their FAQ address what to do with Quicken and other programs of the like. I just disconnected online for my brokerage and it downloaded carbon copies of all 5 accounts with placeholders. Looks like an accounting nightmare. I reverted back to my backup copy till this is figured out. Did you others have this issue of doubling of accounts in Quicken?
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I just got mine working, all i did was go into the edit online services and change my account # from the old Etrade act # to the new Morgan Stanley Act #. Once I did that the update worked.
I didn't de-activate. Just changed the act #'s and was good to go
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At first, 'Reset Account' worked for 3 of 4 Etrade accounts for me. Upon "Reset Account" a list of the new accounts was presented and the option to map the account to one of the new ones. 3 were relinked correctly and 1 Roth was not present in the list of accounts. When I tried deactivate on the unrecognized Roth account it was duplicated. I reverted back to a copy. The 3 accounts seemed to work but the Roth account was not working and Quick update gave an error to the effect there is no account for XXXXX (the problem account)
What seemed to work for me was to edit and change the Account Number (under General Tab) in Quicken from the old account number to the new account number at Etrade. Then go to 'online services' tab and 'Reset Account'. Again a list of new Etrade accounts to choose from is presented and allowed me to map old account numbers to the new numbers. Once I changed the old Account Number on the Quick 'Account Details' things lined up correctly.
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Doug thanks I will go with that. I just restored my backup. Hoping I dont double everything again, although it did help my Net worth total :)
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That looks like the winning combo thanks rbuss. Gotta have this up and going for another trading week ;)
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What I did that was easy was:
Edit Account Details
Online Services
Reset AccountIt then found the correct new account number and then all works as it used to.
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My Etrade investing accounts started giving errors when I tried downloading. I was prepared to have to do much more, but I found that I only had to update the account number for each of my ETrade investment accounts and the download just worked. I didn't have to do "reset account" or deactivate/reactive online transactions. From each account register, I went to "Edit account details" and overwrote the old account number with the new account number (which I got from the ETrade website).
And my ETrade banking accounts kept their old account numbers, so they just continued to work fine.
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Are you using Quicken E*TRADE as your institution? I am getting errors on E*Trade in which it is not recognizing my accounts. I was getting this error before the move and was hoping that the conversion would fix it.
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Etrade direct connect us working fine with new account numbers as above.
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I got it to work now. I just updated my account numbers and it worked easy. When I did it the first time, I had an error message but that was temporary.
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I found that updating the account numbers for 2 of my accounts at ETrade worked (a trading account and a self-managed Roth account). The other account I have is a "managed" investment account and that activity is viewable only on the Morgan Stanley site. I have tried to add the Morgan Stanley account but when I do, the managed investment account in Quicken does not appear in the box for "link this Quicken account".
Should I deactivate the old ETrade account? Seems that it should make it available for linking. The new account at Morgan Stanley has no previous transactional history showing. I could just create a new account for MS and then close out the old ET on Quicken, but that seems an in-elegant way to get things done. I REALLY want to avoid duplicate transactions and the resulting clean up work.
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Just got the notification from eTrade that account number change would require changes to Quicken connection (broken during eTrade-Morgan Stanley transition). The link to "find out more" took me to an eTrade FAQ page that didn't feel especially helpful, but their message flagging the account number as the change was a clue.
Edited existing account under 2 tabs:
—> Account Number —> edited to new account number
Online Services
—> Deactivate
—> Set up —> system immediately offered to link to existing account.
Data appear to be current and I no longer see the update error for eTrade when I do One-Step-Update ☺️
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Worked for me - Thanks Doug - NOTE: don't put any spaces in your account numbers!