TD Ameritrade to Schwab conversion

I am trying to move my TD Ameritrade account to my Schwab account in Quicken. I found the directions to do that on the Quicken support page. I am trying to follow Option 1 Keeping your accounts.
When I go to add the Schwab account, I successfully logon to Schwab and select all the accounts. When it comes back to Quicken, it lists all my accounts with option boxes of Type, Nickname on Quicken, and Action. One of the accounts does not have a choice on what Type it is and the Nickname. It does have an option box on the Action field. The Type is set to Brokerage which is correct, but the Nickname says Wells Fargo Savings.
Obviously, that is not correct option and I can't change it to what I want . I'm afraid if I continue, I will lose my actual Wells Fargo Savings account entries on Quicken. Will it be ok as long as I select the right action which would be to link it to my current TD Ameritrade account? Would I then have 2 Wells Fargo Savings accounts on Quicken and then I could change it to the right name?
"but the Nickname says Wells Fargo Savings. "
I saw the same thing with my two TDAmeritrade accounts. As I recall Quicken presented a seldom-used credit card Account in the "Nickname in Quicken" column and I have no idea why.
Don't worry about it. Click the Action pull-down menu and select your old TDAmeritrade Account as the Account to link to. That's what I did with both my TDAmeritrade accounts that came over. The Nickname here is just Quicken's erroneous guess as to the correct Account, it has no effect if you link to the proper TDAmeritrade Account.
If you're nervous, make a backup before you do this. That way you can always recover if, somehow, something goes sideways in the process, but I don't think it will.