Converting Amazon Transactions to QIF

Amazon orders can be downloaded by request from Data and Privacy. You select Orders from the drop down menu and they will send you your complete order history in a zip file.
The retail.orderhistory.1 and retail.customer.return.1 .csv files were the one's I used to write a excel macro to create QIF import data for Quicken.
Is it appropriate in this forum to attach the macro as a txt file for others to experiment with?
Here's a list of the macro highlights:
Four Work Sheets are created:
Amazon_H1_Csv (sheet1) contain the Amazon Retail.History.1.csv file
Amazon_R1_Csv (sheet2) contain the Amazon Retail.Returns.1.csv file
Amazon_Conversion(sheet3) Format:
- " -" ,OrderId, and Amazon Account Holder Name is stored in the Payee field
- Abbrviated Credit card number/refund/credit is saved in the Tag field
- Partial product description is saved in the memo field. (Quicken has a limited text length)
- The Amount/refund is stored in the payment column.
Output.QIF (sheet4) contain the Quicken QIF entries for importing.
After the Amazon_Conversion (sheet3) is built, the user is prompted for
the Start-End dates, and first Name(optional)
the Output_Qif (sheet4) is then created for the.Qif input data.
Amazon creates a transaction for each item purchased
if multiple items are purchased on the same day, your
credit card will only contain one payment.
When the data in imported into quicken, the entries show up as uncleared. You can then resolve multiple entries to the actual payment and remove the payment.
I don't know if it is appropriate, but one of our very active forum members has already created a program to create .QIF files from .CSV, .QFX or even .QIF files and make then account aware for import into Quicken.
The program named ImportQIF is free and can be found at
It does a great job, I personally use it myself.
-splasher using Q continuously since 1996
- Subscription Quicken - Win11 and QW2013 - Win11
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