Automatically Download Accounts Statements as PDFs

mikeschinkel Member
edited October 2023 in Product Enhancements

One of the biggest things that I have to do manually that Quicken cannot do for me is to download PDFs of statements from my online accounts.

Of course there is no way Quicken could do this now because there is no protocol for banks to offer up their statement PDFs for download, HOWEVER Quicken has the influence to get banks to add that as a feature, and THEN you could do it.

This would ensure that even over time or after I close an account I would still have access to all the statements even though they removed from from their website or don't allow me to login anymore.

This would be a KILLER FEATURE for me.

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  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    Quicken is a tiny, tiny player in the financial services industry, and I doubt they have any clout to get the industry to adopt such a standard. It would be a nice feature if they could add it, but I think the chances of doing so are near zero, unfortunately.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993