Error-Update Quotes Inflates Value X4

9/15/23 Running Windows Premier VR52.20 Build and when I run Update Quotes my portfolio values inflate about 4X. I thought it was related to the Charles Schwab accounts but even after removing those accounts from One Step Update, the values are still inflated. Certainly pays to frequently backup Quicken and restore back to sanity.
Go to an Investing > Portfolio view that shows the Quote/Price column for all your securities. Is it just one security that is out of line, or several?
What are the ticker symbol(s) for the security(s) that are affected?
Go to Edit > Preferences Investing and see if the Real time quotes option is selected. Some users have reported that if this option is selected and you have securities with blank ticker symbols, Quicken will fill in the price for the first security in your list alphabetically (often AAPL) Is this your issue?
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Thanks Jim. It is one particular stock, RTL which just merged with GNL and the transactions are just now being processed. It's a cluster but I'll dig into it and manually fix it across 3 of my Charles Schwab accounts. Thanks for your prompt suggestion.
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Actually, there are more issues here. I have 6 Charles Schwab accounts now since the TDA consolidation on 9/05/23. There are questionable issues with transactions on every account and the OneStep Update often tells me it doesn't recognize one those CS accounts that I just confirmed and linked. Things are a mess. Another support call coming up.