AMEX American Express FSB Savings Acct no longer downloading transactions

axman53 Quicken Windows 2016 Member ✭✭

I have a savings account with American Express FSB and it has been happily downloading transactions for years. It uses the Express Web Connect method (NOT + plus). Now it has stopped. I reset the account, no change. Then I deactivated the account and tried to reactivate it, but the account setup is telling me that it cannot complete the setup because AMEX is telling Quicken that I have my account login credentials wrong. Error code: CC-503. That is not correct. My login creditials are exactly correct. So now what?


  • axman53
    axman53 Quicken Windows 2016 Member ✭✭

    Tried again this morning. Same problem. And no responses here yet. See attached graphic for results when trying to set up online account connection. I am using the same credentials I use to log in on the web portal.

  • axman53
    axman53 Quicken Windows 2016 Member ✭✭

    Crickets. First time I've posted here and gotton zero replies!

  • axman53
    axman53 Quicken Windows 2016 Member ✭✭

    Today I did a quick Google search to see what I could find. I found this, below. Seems that AMEX Savings is no longer integrating with Quicken or Mint.

    Does the American Express Savings site integrate with Mint or Quicken?

    At this time, American Express Savings does not allow sites like Quicken or Mint to log in on behalf of our customers. This protocol is in place to protect Savings customers’ personal information. Savings does allow you to download transactions so that you can import them into sites like Quicken or Mint by following these easy steps:

    1. Log in to your American Express Savings account
    2. Select the "Documents tab" at the top of the page
    3. Click the "Download Transactions" link towards the top right of the page
    4. Select the account that you want to download
    5. Select the “Start Date”, “End Date” and “File Type” you wish to download
    6. Select 'Download'
  • the american express fsb qfx file is actually a ofx file and quicken will not import the transactions.

  • macnet427
    macnet427 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I've download my American Express Personal Savings into Quicken for years. Quicken will not work with this account anymore as American Express has stated for many years that they did not integrate with personal finance software. It worked even though they stated on their site that they don't support it.

    They have obviously tightened up their security due to all the hackers that have been stealing money. As Mitch stated, the download file from American Express is an ofx file and not compatible with Quicken. I've been a Quicken user for 25 years. Recently, I've started encountering problems with more and more institutions not working with Quicken downloads.

    I do track and manual download when necessary. It's easier than Excel spreadsheets and paper. It's too bad we have to be so concerned about being hacked.

  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    According to this discussion you need to change to select "American Express - Banking", not the old "FSB" one, for One Step Update to work.

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