Adding colors to Tags--How to?

retold I do not have Quicken yet Member ✭✭

The info on the last couple Quicken Mac updates makes reference to adding colors to tags. I can't figure out how to do this…the Help Screens on the program show a column for colors when you open up your Tags window, but mine only has three columns called "Name", "Description" and "Status." Why isn't there a column for colors as it appears on your help page? I've attached a screenshot of the way my Edit Tags window looks.



  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    This is completely un-intuitive, but here's the key…

    Quicken considers colors in Tags to be only partially implemented so far, so you need to enable it in Quicken Settings (Preferences):

    At the bottom, click the checkbox for "Early access" features, and then check the box for tag colors. After that, you'll see the Colors column in your Window > Tags screen.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • retold
    retold I do not have Quicken yet Member ✭✭

    Thanks, you're right that is so bizarrely hidden and I would have never found that without your help. You'd think that if they are already referencing it on release notes and on help screens that it would no longer be considered "early access," but instead fully implemented.🙄

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