Citibank Credit Card Connection
I have tried the workaround for the Citibank two factor authentication and I am still getting the cc-502 when I attempt to set up my credit card account. I do not have the two factor set up on the citibank site and I activated the "Manage Your Desktop Apps" before proceed to do the setup on Quicken. I had purposefully deactivated this account when I could not download any transactions for a while as I found that to be the solution the help desk often proposes. I am using the citi card connection (although I have also tried the citibank one too). Is there a process I am not following correctly? Is there a resolution to the problem?
After you deactivate, don't select Setup Now…
Select the + /add account button on the Account Bar.
Type in Cit Cards.
Select Next.
Select Next.
Select Advanced Options.
Select Direct Connect, and then next. The follow the rest of the prompts.
This is my website: