Ridiculously slow



  • mjonis
    mjonis Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, Chris_QPW for some enlightening information. I've found Quicken mainly loads fast (Windows 10, BTW, 32 GB RAM, SSD, etc. blah blah). I found your comment about the register to be (for me) spot on. Any slowness (other than the hideous OSU which we know about), things are OK, until I get into any investment account (401k, etc.) Transactions are terrible to enter/reconcile (god forbid you scroll back a few years—haha). But this seems to be a known issue and will not be fixed any time soon (if ever). But at least you kinda explained why it's that way (again, for me, my observations jive with what you also have stated).

  • markus1957
    markus1957 Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta

    Regarding the unexplainable nature of how Quicken can be so slow in one instance and fast for the seemingly same task in different parts of the program. Report generation speed versus register speed has been used as an example. Another one is log files. If you have ever tried to open the Cloud Sync log from the Help menu you know it can be painfully slow. But if you use Report a Problem and click the link for the Cloud Sync log, it opens instantaneously. What's up with that? I'm guessing old code versus new code.

    I haven't used the web app for a while but I kind of always hoped it was Quicken's long-term code updating program that would eventually re-write all of the desktop functions to the web. More recently, it looks like new feature implementation has side-tracked that effort.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    @gyoung345 said:

    1. I tried a suggestion limiting all the Quicken program/data files from my anti-virus

    This is almost certainly the thing that made it better. Anti-virus software will sometimes "intercept" even read/write to make sure the program isn't doing anything "bad", but that can really slow down reads/writes.

    The second one where an update fixed it is only really possible because that program somehow got corrupted and now those parts were updated with the new update (could also be some configuration file).

    @markus1957 said:

    Regarding the unexplainable nature of how Quicken can be so slow in one instance and fast for the seemingly same task in different parts of the program. Report generation speed versus register speed has been used as an example. Another one is log files. If you have ever tried to open the Cloud Sync log from the Help menu you know it can be painfully slow. But if you use Report a Problem and click the link for the Cloud Sync log, it opens instantaneously. What's up with that? I'm guessing old code versus new code.

    The reports vs register is good comparison, but the one for the Cloud Sync log isn't, even though I don't understand exactly why it is "that slow". In the case of Report a Problem, they aren't reading the Cloud Sync log, they are just putting it into a ZIP file (as a stream of bytes) and transmitting everything to the Quicken server.

    In the case of bringing up the log file they are decrypting it and then showing it to you. Why this decrypting is so slow I have no idea.

    Note that the Cloud Sync log is actually the FILENAME_SyncLog.dat file that is stored in the same folder as your data file (in the encrypted form).

    So, the two operations can't really be compared.

    I haven't used the web app for a while but I kind of always hoped it was Quicken's long-term code updating program that would eventually re-write all of the desktop functions to the web. More recently, it looks like new feature implementation has side-tracked that effort.

    Personally, I thought Simplifi was going to be this, but it seems even there they have basically stopped really extending into that kind of functionality. I never saw Quicken Mobile/Web being able to handle the functionality that is in Quicken Desktop. Or a Web/Mobile Simplifi for that matter, but I thought if they were going to extend it at all it would be in the "Online only" product where they don't have to deal with all the compatibility problems with the Desktop versions and where people can't say "but the Desktop version has it…".

    This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/
  • markus1957
    markus1957 Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta

    @Chris_QPW You should take another look at the Report a Problem window. A while back they changed it so the synclog and other files are shown in hypertext. If you click it, it will spawn the file in the associated text editor about 20X faster than going through the Help menu. Now I suppose they could be decrypting when the window is opened, but even if that is the case, it is still much faster.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Oh thanks for update @markus1957, I wasn't aware of that, then yes, this is a fair comparison, and I don't know exactly what is going on. One thought is that the text control they are storing the Help copy into is very slow. But that is just a wild guess.

    This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/
  • dn1
    dn1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
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