Asset Allocation grouped by Account
Is it possible to include the account name as a grouping when using the asset allocation report. I can choose certain accounts and it combines them all together, but I would like to group the report into sections without having to do 1 account at a time.
Thanks, Brian
I don't think you can get that out of the report, but there's a built-in Portfolio View called Asset Allocation which you can group by account.
Quicken user since version 2 for DOS, now using QWin Premier (US) on Win10 Pro.
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Doesn't Asset Allocation view on the Investing tab allow you to see allocation several ways, including by account?
Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
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Thanks guys, but I'm looking for a way to include both the account and the asset class in one report or view. Even in the Portfolio View, you choose one or the other. The data is all there, just haven't figured out how to get it out yet. I appreciate the thoughts.
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Actually in the Portfolio views, the Asset Class view just has a preset selection of columns grouped by "Asset Class". Unlike the Asset Allocation report, a security in the Portfolio views can only have one asset class. This is OK for individual stocks, but anything with a mixture, like most mutual funds or ETFs, is lumped into the Asset Mixture group.
A nice improvement to the Portfolio views might be to provide a column for each asset class. Then you could get a true asset allocation view grouped by account.
Unfortunately the reports only support one level of subtotaling, and the Asset Allocation report uses that to subtotal by asset class.
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