Default category for transactions

In cases where a category has multiple subcategories it would be very helpful to identify a default subcategory. This would help eliminate mischaracterization of transactions when entering data or downloading transactions.

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  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭

    You should be using a memorized payee for this. Note though if you have memorized multiple categories for the same payee Quicken can't tell which one it should be using. In the case of manual entry, you can just choose the one you want. In the case of downloading of transactions it is best to only have one category per payee. You should also lock the memorized payee so that if you do change the category, it won't automatically add a new category to the memorized payee when you don't want it. There is also an option to turn off automatically memorizing new payee/categories.

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