How to fix reconcile - Amex download

csmoore Windows Beta Beta

Hi, had many download duplicates in Amex due to multiple downloads (QFX). Going through many duplicates (many had the next day as the posted date vs. the same day) I got reconcile close within a few dollars. Then I reset the Amex account as noted, to fix issue with recent downloads within Quicken (not manual QFX) not happening. That seemed to work, with downloads now working within Quicken, but now I'm ~$4000 off on the reconcile, so not matching up at all now.

What is best way to approach fixing this?

Thanks, Carl



  • Tom Young
    Tom Young SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hard to know the "best" way here but if you have a backup of your file where you got the reconcile within a few dollars then comparing transactions and balances between that file and your current file (change the name of the file when you restore so you don't get mixed up) probably would let you identify what went wrong, and fix it.

    Another thing to look at in these cases is to see if the download changed the Account's "Opening Balance" - it's been known to happen.

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