Chase file does not include online balance

The last couple of downloads from Chase credit card does not include the online balance. Any ideas?
Have you tried Reset Account (on the Online Services tab of Account Details)?
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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I tried resetting the account. Didn't work. The download file that the Chase website creates references an old Chase account in the file name. My Chase account was compromised some time ago and Chase issued a new card. I did not close the account on Quicken and reopen a new account with the new number, I simply changed the account number. This has worked fine for probably two or three years. Around November 22nd, the problem started. No balance. I tried creating the download file using the other options on the Chase Website including excel. The old account number is still in the file name. I called Chase Technical support. They said that the problem lies with Quicken. Since the Excel file is also referencing the old account number, I don't think so. I have found a workaround by manually entering the balance. I'm going to try calling Chase Technical again and hope I get someone else.
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What you might want to try doing the following:
- Enter and save the Opening Balance transaction (the very 1st transaction in the register) dollar amount into the Memo Field. (This might be needed later.)
- Backup your data file.
- Account Register > upper right Gear icon > Edit Account Details > Online Services tab > Deactivate > General tab > delete all Financial Institution Information (everything about the Contact Name field).
- Add Account: Select Chase and follow the prompts to authorize Chase for downloading. During this process, if you are given the opportunity to select which accounts you want to download, make sure you select your new card account and not the old card account.
- After the authorization process is completed, you will likely be prompted what to do with the downloaded data. Make sure you Link the new card account download to the credit card account you already have in Quicken. If you also get a download for the old account, make sure you select "Do Not Add". Note: Make sure that all fields…Type, Nickname and Action…in the popup are correct. If they are incorrect, correct them before proceeding. If you cannot correct errors in the fields, cancel the process and start the Add Account process, again.
Check the account balance in the register. Does it match what the online balance is? If not:
- Check the Opening Balance transaction dollar amount. If it does not match what you had previously entered into the Memo field, change it to match what is in the Memo field.
- If the account is still out of balance: Scroll backward from the most recent date looking for duplicate transactions. If you find any duplicates, delete one of them and retain the other. Duplicates, if they occur are most likely to occur within the last 90 days.
- If the account is still out of balance: Search the register for a 2nd "Opening Balance" transaction…one without the dollar amount in the Memo field. If you find one, delete it.
Is your account now in balance and is the online balance correctly showing?
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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The old account and the new account at Chase are the same. The only thing different is the number. This is the same on Quicken. There is not an old account on the Chase website. There is no old account on Quicken. When Chase gave me a new card a few years ago, I changed the account number in Quicken just as Chase did on their end.
However, I will give your suggestion a try. Thanks
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The old account and the new account at Chase are the same. The only thing different is the number.
The number is what differentiates one account from others. Different numbers means different accounts.
There is not an old account on the Chase website.
Yes, there i s. It is just not visible to you in the online account. But by law financial institutions are required to keep account records for many years, even after they are closed.
When setting up online services in Quicken or when doing Reset Account or when Reauthorizing an account, sometimes the financial institution will download both old closed accounts data and newer active accounts data. During that process, we are often prompted to tell Quicken what to do with the downloaded data. If we do not carefully review and confirm that the correct data download is being linked to the correct account in Quicken, it can result in the old closed account at Chase being linked with the newer open account in Quicken.
Also, I think that during the reauthorization process on the Chase website we must select which account(s) we want to set up with Quicken for download. (It's been awhile since I set up or reset my Chase accounts so I am not 100% sure of this.) If that is the case and if we select the old closed account and not the newer open account, then the old closed account information is what will be downloaded. And that old closed account has a $0 online account balance so that is what will then show up in Quicken.
This kind of accounts mix up happens more often than one might think. The steps I posted above are intended to help avoid this accounts mix up from happening and to correct for it if/when it does happen.
Have you tried doing this, yet? If so, what was the result?
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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I think I haven't explained my issue well. I do not create the download file from within Quicken. I go to the Chase website. The Chase website has four format options, Spreadsheet (Excel, CSV), Quicken Web Connect (QFX), Quicken or Microsoft Money (QIF), and Quickbooks Web Connect. I select my option with is QFX. It creates a file. The file name includes the last four digits of my credit card and the dates. My virus software scans the file and then gives me the option of saving it on my laptop. I then go to Quicken, File, Import file. What is happening before I get to importing the file into Quicken is that the Chase download is referencing the old credit card number, 1234, instead of 5678. However, the transactions are current for 5678 regardless of the file name listing the incorrect account number. What is missing in the file that I am importing is the online balance. When I import the file, the online balance is zero which would be correct for the old account 1234. I tried the other three formats, without importing of course. The other three files created on the Chase Website also reference the old credit card number. I did dump the Excel,CSV file into Excel. Same data as QFX. According to Chase Technical Support, the issue is with Quicken not Chase. She said to contact Quicken. When I asked her who I should call regarding the Excel, CVS file referencing the old account number, (I suggested Bill Gates) she was not amused and I ended the call. I am hoping to call Chase at another time and hopefully get someone else. In the meantime, I deactivate the online access within Quicken and manually enter the balance. I have no issues with other cards or accounts. And a few of those have changed account numbers over the years. I have been using Quicken since January 2000.
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Ah, thanks for the additional explanation. So, as I understand it, you are manually downloading your X5678 account data in QFX format (which is the correct one to use) and then you are manually importing that QFX file into Quicken. (This is, BTW, called the Web Connect method.) The data in that QFX file gets imported into Quicken against your old account number (X1234) but the transactions are for (X5678).
Also, to be sure I understand you correctly: The "Online Balance" that is imported is for X1234 and not for X5678?
Please let me know if I have stated any of this incorrectly.
Go to where you saved that QFX file (which by the way is the correct file format to be downloaded): Right click on that file and then left click on Edit in Notebook. Scroll down until you find <ACCTID>. Which account number is shown after that….X1234 or X5678?
Scroll down the file further until you find <BALAMT>. Does it show what should be the Online Balance of X1234 or X5678?
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home